Western Lethargy

Previous blogs on this site have looked at the “end of days” theories, myths and legends and the responsibility of those who can provide warnings to do so. We now turn our attention to some political matters that are coming to a head and will have resounding repercussions worldwide.

In this blog we consider Western inaction in the face of supreme provocation. This is not a recent trait but has been part of western culture, for many years. Some prime examples can be seen in reactions to provocations that have forced the USA to give up its neutrality and join in major conflicts. World War 1 began in 1914 but the USA did not become involved until April 6th 1917, after continued German attacks on Western shipping including American passenger liners. World War 2 began in 1939 but the USA did not join the fray until December 6th 1941 after Japanese bombers attacked Pearl Harbour.

It has not only been wars that have shown this Western procrastination and inability to commence, in the space race the USA assumed they were world leaders until in 1957 Russia placed a satellite in orbit (Sputnik) and then in 1961 launched a man into space at a time when the USA could hardly even get a rocket off the ground and British efforts based at the Woomera Rocket Range in Australia were at a level amateurs today could achieve. It was not until 1969 after over a decade of frantic research did the USA finally move ahead and become the first nation to land a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth.

The Islamic Jihad has seen similar inaction, the Islamists blew up Western Embassies took hostages and destroyed a US Marine barracks with great loss of life and still the west did not react. In response to the invasion of Kuwait the US and its allies attacked and repelled Iraqi forces and then rested on their laurels doing no more, until heartened by inaction Al Qaeda launched two attacks on New York’s Twin Towers. The first did little damage but should have been a wake up call the subsequent 9/11 attack finally convinced the USA that something needed to be done about terrorists and their supporters.

Unfortunately this litany of inaction is a product of the Western psyche that becomes evident in Western films. The good guy is never the first to go for his gun; he never swings the first punch he takes all the other guy hands out before he retaliates. Unfortunately when it comes to thermo-nuclear war this inactivity just might prove fatal, it might be time for America and western nations as a whole to stand up and draw a line in the sand, to be firm about what is and is not acceptable. Not to do so is seen as weakness and will only encourage the enemies of freedom to continue to push in the expectation that they are safe from retribution. Their real hope is that they can continue to push against the only real stumbling block to world domination, the USA, until Western nations are tired of the effort and withdraw from the conflict. They are currently performing a balancing act with just enough combat to keep coalition troops bogged down into what is now basically a police action in Iraq, small skirmishes in Afghanistan and enough minor troubles to frustrate the US public. Australian and British Governments are already planning reductions in troop numbers and a timed withdrawal from Iraq. The Islamists hope to engender in the Western public such a war weariness that they will capitulate without a struggle, or that the threat of nuclear destruction will see them crumble and accept Islamic law as their own.

War weariness is already becoming apparent in the country that has borne the brunt of attack for the last sixty years. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert demonstrated this when he said, "We are tired of fighting, we are tired of being courageous, we are tired of winning, we are tired of defeating our enemies, we want that we will be able to live in an entirely different environment of relations with our enemies."

Israel has been under constant assault since the signing of the Oslo accords between Israel and the PLO in 1993. Since that time Palestinian Arab terrorists have murdered over 1,800 Israelis, two thirds of them civilians. This is more than the total number of Israelis murdered by the Palestinian Arabs in the 44 years preceding the "peace accords." Many of the killers have been members of the Palestinian Arab "police force" established with Israel's consent in Gaza, Judea and Samaria under the Oslo accords. Indeed, Palestinian "police" have murdered a number of Israelis over recent months. Every concession granted to Muslims is seen as capitulation by the west leading to ever increasing violence. The plan of an Islamic world by 2035 appears to be on track, because the west has no interest in standing up to aggression but surrenders meekly at every step.

For the past seven years, Israeli towns and villages near the border with Gaza have been subjected to rocket attacks; during the past two years, the city of Sderot, with a population of some 23,000, has been bombarded with rockets nearly every day. The missiles have killed some people; many more have been wounded; and thousands, including Sderot's children, have suffered shock and trauma. Giving up land for peace has not helped Israel it has only allowed terrorist rockets to reach further into the heart of the country placing ever more Israeli citizens at risk. Egypt, supposedly at peace with Israel, has enabled the Hamas terrorists who control Gaza to move vast amounts of armaments, money and soldiers into this territory, and to transform themselves from a guerrilla force into an army able to fight Israel on nearly equal terms. The Israelis have even captured on videotape Egyptian "border guards" helping to smuggle in terrorists.

Then there are the Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon, who killed about 140 Israeli soldiers and 43 civilians in 2006, many of them with long range rockets that struck deep inside Galilee and Haifa. Hezbollah recently struck again with rockets at kibbutz Shlomi. Since the 2006 Lebanon war, Hezbollah has completely rearmed, and now has missiles that can strike at the heart of Tel Aviv. Standing behind Hezbollah are Syria and Iran. Both of these regimes admit their desire to destroy Israel. Both are armed with chemical and biological weapons, missiles that can reach every inch of Israeli territory, the most advanced fighter jets, and numerous other ultramodern weapons. Both regimes are working at break-neck speed to develop nuclear technology. Nor should Christians and other non-Jews in America and throughout the Western world be indifferent to what is happening. The international jihad waged by the radical Islamists targets not only Jews, but Christians (referred to by the jihadis as "Crusaders") and all of Western civilization as well. Recent reports from the region indicate that Hezbollah now has almost 50,000 armed men along the Lebanese, Israel border. There is little doubt their intent; it is only the matter of their timing which will no doubt be decided in Iran or Syria.

We hear that the majority of Muslims want peace, but they do nothing to seek peace. The fanatics are the ones making the decisions so we must be prepared to deal with the fanatics because those who claim they want peace do nothing. It is the fanatics who are making life difficult for the Europeans and who are turning Britain into an Islamic state. No matter how unsavoury it might seem the west must seriously consider pre-emptive strikes and action against terrorists and their supporters, failing will mean the end of western culture, just as the Jihadis predict.

Q. What is the biggest problem facing Western society, ignorance or apathy?

A. Who knows? Who cares?

Coming next; the war with Islam.

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