Clover blog

In a world of turmoil and distrust we should all take a moment and reflect on this and think that although we are all different in some ways we all have needs that are similar we all need to feel safe and free from worry about the actions of others. To consider doing harm to another human being (no matter what your justification) is wrong. Once when our society believed in religion and reading the Bible was common most people knew absolutes of good and evil, but as society has become more secular and most people have never read the Bible and their definitions of right and wrong have become blurred.
In looking at this special little clover we should remember that the Almighty in his wisdom has created many differences but every one of them is special because he created them. It is up to us all to do our part to protect all of creation not just our environment but all the peoples of the world, even those who do not like us or wish us harm. Trust in the Almighty, have faith in him because justice will prevail.
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