The war with Islam.
What’s this a war with Islam? When will this happen? The bad news is that it has been happening for centuries but we infidels have been too dumb to realise. This does not mean that we should consider Muslims as bad or dangerous many are not, but we can see in many places how the moderates are oppressed by the more radical. In Israel for example a Muslim who sells land to a non-Muslim can expect to be killed, in this way the land is kept in Muslim hands and the prices are kept depressed as Jewish settlers would pay more for land than Arabs and even though many would be happy to sell and become rich they are not permitted to do so. This violent oppression means that moderate Muslims are afraid to speak against the radicals and terrorists.

The earliest indication of dispute can be seen in the Muslim attitude to The Golden Gate, as it is called in Christian literature, the oldest of the current gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls. Jews used to pray for mercy at the gate, hence the name Sha'ar Harachamim, the Gate of Mercy. In Arabic, it is known as the Gate of Eternal Life. In ancient times, the gate was known as the Beautiful Gate.
It was probably built in about 520CE, as part of Justinian 1's building program in Jerusalem, on top of the ruins of an earlier gate in the wall. In Jewish tradition, this is the gate through which the Messiah will enter Jerusalem. Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I sealed off the Golden Gate in 1541 to prevent the Messiah's entrance. The Muslims also built a cemetery in front of the gate, in the belief that the precursor to the Messiah, Elijah, would not be able to pass through, since he is a Kohen. This belief is erroneous because a Kohen is permitted to enter a cemetery in which primarily non-Jews are buried. This behaviour is an early indication of Muslim hostility toward Jews in particular, but includes all “infidels”.
During much of the Ottoman rule in Israel the Jewish residents were left very much to their own devices and were even allowed to pray on the Temple Mount. Originally Jews and Christians were assigned a special status by Muslims as communities possessing scriptures and were called the “people of the Book” (ahl al-kitāb) and, therefore, were allowed religious autonomy. They were, however, required to pay a per capita tax called jizyah, as opposed to pagans, who were required to either accept Islām or die. The same status of the “people of the Book” was later extended to Zoroastrians and Hindus, but many “people of the Book” joined Islām in order to escape the disability of the jizyah. A much more massive expansion of Islām after the 12th century was inaugurated by the Ṣūfīs (Muslim mystics), who were mainly responsible for the spread of Islām in India, Central Asia, Turkey, and sub-Saharan Africa.
Following the defeat of the Ottomans in WW1 the British held a mandate over what was then known as Palestine until 1948 when the United Nations partitioned the land into Arab and Jewish states according to the then majority populations. The British ceded control of the Arab sector to Jordan. Under Jordanian rule of the Arab area, which included East Jerusalem between 1948 and 1967, Jews and other non-Arab people were forbidden from entering Jerusalem’s Old City. After the Israeli forces gained control of Jerusalem in the 1967 Six Day War Jewish, Christian and non-Arab visits to the city’s holy sites resumed. Both Israel and the Palestinian Authority claim sovereignty over the site, which remains a key issue in the Arab-Israeli conflict. The Israeli government has granted management of the Temple Mount to a Muslim Council (Waqf). As Jewish prayer is not permitted at the holiest site in Judaism, Jews must stand behind a wall of the mount while praying toward the rock located under the 'Dome of the Rock' but Muslims stand on the mount facing away from the rock and toward Mecca.
Today much of the dispute seems to revolve around Palestine which is the name given to Judea by the Romans following the uprising and subsequent destruction of the Temple in 70CE. The term Palestine continued to be used to denote all residents of the area until in recent times Palestinian has become synonymous with Arab. Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir used to show her British identity documents that described her as a Palestinian, which created an interesting situation, the Prime minister of Israel was a Palestinian and the leader of “Palestine” (Yassar Arafat) was an Egyptian. It brokers the question, “who are the real Palestinians?”
Most of the people who today claim to be “Palestinian” refugees from Israel, were born outside that country. In 1948 when the UN partitioned the country the neighbouring Arab states immediately declared war and urged Arabs living in Israel to leave while they drove the Jews into the sea. When the attacks failed some Arabs returned to become Israeli citizens others remained in “refugee camps” and it is the descendants of these people who today claim to be refugees. The Jews evicted from Arab states have been accepted into Israeli society and assimilated into the population, as have Arabs who returned to Israel. The Arabs who remained in Arab nations have been housed in camps for sixty years and not allowed citizenship, nor have their children who have been born in those countries. Instead they have been held in camps to be used as pawns in the political activity to denounce Israel at every opportunity and to elicit international censure against the sole democracy in the region and in particular its Jewish citizens.
In my previous blog I suggested that things were coming to a head and that the west should consider a pre-emptive strike against the promulgators of terror, this of course is distasteful to western governments and so they will sit back until action is inevitable. In recent news reports we have heard that Hezbollah are assembling forces in Lebanon and Syria and NATO and European peace keepers are arriving in the region to try and prevent hostilities. Many see this build up of the “armies of the world” as another indication of the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy others say it is just coincidence my prediction is that we should all watch the news between Easter and Passover this year (2008) for some very exciting times. Due to the difference in the way calendars are calculated Easter this year will not coincide with Passover (except for the Orthodox Churches) Easter will be celebrated at the end of March but Passover does not occur until April (20th) and during this time that indications for the direction of the future will be revealed.
Watch future blogs for some surprising revelations.
Don’t forget to visit my website, if you have a comment go to the forum, or to find out more buy my latest book.

The earliest indication of dispute can be seen in the Muslim attitude to The Golden Gate, as it is called in Christian literature, the oldest of the current gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls. Jews used to pray for mercy at the gate, hence the name Sha'ar Harachamim, the Gate of Mercy. In Arabic, it is known as the Gate of Eternal Life. In ancient times, the gate was known as the Beautiful Gate.
It was probably built in about 520CE, as part of Justinian 1's building program in Jerusalem, on top of the ruins of an earlier gate in the wall. In Jewish tradition, this is the gate through which the Messiah will enter Jerusalem. Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I sealed off the Golden Gate in 1541 to prevent the Messiah's entrance. The Muslims also built a cemetery in front of the gate, in the belief that the precursor to the Messiah, Elijah, would not be able to pass through, since he is a Kohen. This belief is erroneous because a Kohen is permitted to enter a cemetery in which primarily non-Jews are buried. This behaviour is an early indication of Muslim hostility toward Jews in particular, but includes all “infidels”.
During much of the Ottoman rule in Israel the Jewish residents were left very much to their own devices and were even allowed to pray on the Temple Mount. Originally Jews and Christians were assigned a special status by Muslims as communities possessing scriptures and were called the “people of the Book” (ahl al-kitāb) and, therefore, were allowed religious autonomy. They were, however, required to pay a per capita tax called jizyah, as opposed to pagans, who were required to either accept Islām or die. The same status of the “people of the Book” was later extended to Zoroastrians and Hindus, but many “people of the Book” joined Islām in order to escape the disability of the jizyah. A much more massive expansion of Islām after the 12th century was inaugurated by the Ṣūfīs (Muslim mystics), who were mainly responsible for the spread of Islām in India, Central Asia, Turkey, and sub-Saharan Africa.
Following the defeat of the Ottomans in WW1 the British held a mandate over what was then known as Palestine until 1948 when the United Nations partitioned the land into Arab and Jewish states according to the then majority populations. The British ceded control of the Arab sector to Jordan. Under Jordanian rule of the Arab area, which included East Jerusalem between 1948 and 1967, Jews and other non-Arab people were forbidden from entering Jerusalem’s Old City. After the Israeli forces gained control of Jerusalem in the 1967 Six Day War Jewish, Christian and non-Arab visits to the city’s holy sites resumed. Both Israel and the Palestinian Authority claim sovereignty over the site, which remains a key issue in the Arab-Israeli conflict. The Israeli government has granted management of the Temple Mount to a Muslim Council (Waqf). As Jewish prayer is not permitted at the holiest site in Judaism, Jews must stand behind a wall of the mount while praying toward the rock located under the 'Dome of the Rock' but Muslims stand on the mount facing away from the rock and toward Mecca.
Today much of the dispute seems to revolve around Palestine which is the name given to Judea by the Romans following the uprising and subsequent destruction of the Temple in 70CE. The term Palestine continued to be used to denote all residents of the area until in recent times Palestinian has become synonymous with Arab. Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir used to show her British identity documents that described her as a Palestinian, which created an interesting situation, the Prime minister of Israel was a Palestinian and the leader of “Palestine” (Yassar Arafat) was an Egyptian. It brokers the question, “who are the real Palestinians?”
Most of the people who today claim to be “Palestinian” refugees from Israel, were born outside that country. In 1948 when the UN partitioned the country the neighbouring Arab states immediately declared war and urged Arabs living in Israel to leave while they drove the Jews into the sea. When the attacks failed some Arabs returned to become Israeli citizens others remained in “refugee camps” and it is the descendants of these people who today claim to be refugees. The Jews evicted from Arab states have been accepted into Israeli society and assimilated into the population, as have Arabs who returned to Israel. The Arabs who remained in Arab nations have been housed in camps for sixty years and not allowed citizenship, nor have their children who have been born in those countries. Instead they have been held in camps to be used as pawns in the political activity to denounce Israel at every opportunity and to elicit international censure against the sole democracy in the region and in particular its Jewish citizens.
In my previous blog I suggested that things were coming to a head and that the west should consider a pre-emptive strike against the promulgators of terror, this of course is distasteful to western governments and so they will sit back until action is inevitable. In recent news reports we have heard that Hezbollah are assembling forces in Lebanon and Syria and NATO and European peace keepers are arriving in the region to try and prevent hostilities. Many see this build up of the “armies of the world” as another indication of the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy others say it is just coincidence my prediction is that we should all watch the news between Easter and Passover this year (2008) for some very exciting times. Due to the difference in the way calendars are calculated Easter this year will not coincide with Passover (except for the Orthodox Churches) Easter will be celebrated at the end of March but Passover does not occur until April (20th) and during this time that indications for the direction of the future will be revealed.
Watch future blogs for some surprising revelations.
Don’t forget to visit my website, if you have a comment go to the forum, or to find out more buy my latest book.