The End Time Debate.

Conjecture about an “end time” scenario has raged for many years, our early ancestors just accepted that it would come one day but as none of the predicted warning signs had occurred they could happily assume that it was well in the future. In the 1800s in America there began several new religions among them the Mormon and the Adventist movements. The Adventists were particularly concerned with the end time and examined various Biblical segments in an effort to predict when and how this end time would happen. It is their predictions that have greatly influenced modern thinking on this subject.

A major sign of the coming of the end times was the prediction that the Jewish people would be returned to the Promised Land before Judgement Day. Jews had become scattered throughout the world and only small numbers remained in the region of Judea which had been under the control of different regimes such as the Ottoman Empire until WW1 and then the British following the Turkish defeat in that war. In 1948 when Jews displaced by the Holocaust began returning to their traditional homeland the United Nations partitioned the region into Jewish and Arab sectors and the modern nation of Israel was born. Israel was immediately attacked by its Arab neighbours but prevailed as it has in half a dozen conflicts since; the survival of Israel is itself a miracle considering the impossible odds against it; but that may be the subject of a future blog.

Modern belief includes a number of theories that have fanciful notions about the events that will occur at the end time and some of these have no foundation at all in scripture they have merely served to support atheistic belief that nothing will happen. Probably the strangest of these is the theory of a “rapture” where true believers will be whisked away to heaven and not suffer the turmoil of the “tribulation”. There is no rapture; the word is not even mentioned in the Bible in fact the Bible says quite the opposite. Scripture actually says “I will sweep you away from the face of the Earth” two thirds of humanity will be destroyed but of the third that survives “One third will be spared but these I will bring through the fire that they be refined like fine gold”*. This certainly does not sound as though anyone will be spared tribulation. (*Zech 13:8-9)

Doubt about when the predicted end times might occur (or that anything will occur) is often expressed but through research for the ProphecyLine Website and my own experience and knowledge I can assure people that end times and a period of tribulation will happen but it will be nothing like the popular idea or a Hollywood portrayal. Nor will the future be anything like the apocalyptic film versions or the brave new world envisioned in “Star Trek” scenarios. Most of the tribulation will not be obvious to most people, only those religious souls who regularly read their Bible and watch daily news, will recognise predictions fulfilled. It will however gather momentum and toward the end it will be just as the Bible predicts, events will “happen in a flood”.

We are in the end times now; the war that will lead to the end time battle commonly referred to as Armageddon began with several events, one was when the terrorist group Hamas was elected to power with the mandate to “destroy Israel.” Another event was the when the West expanded their “war on terror” in response to the attack on New York and included Iraq in their action. This has made it easier for the Islamic Jihadis to recruit more soldiers from their sympathisers and enabled them to convert this into a religious war against the accursed infidel. It began as anti-Semitism but the hatred expanded to include the west particularly the United States because they were seen as supporters of Israel and tools of the hated Jew, as so many are Christian and believe in Biblical scripture. A third action was the recent Hezbollah/Israel war that required deployment of a multi-national force to maintain the peace, or to put it in Biblical terms “gathering of the armies of the world”. Most people are unaware of just how many “armies of the world” are now gathered in the region; today forty nations have military deployments in the Middle East area. When predicted events occur; sceptics and atheists will be left out of consideration because they will fail to see the signs that are all around, and regard observations like this article as crazy, even Christians and Jews who should be able to read the signs will refuse to believe. The whole situation seems too incredible and none wants to believe that this is really happening; the Biblical end time scenario will be here in only a few short years.

This has come about because as much as most Westerners want to believe that Islam is a religion of peace its leaders have been planning world domination for decades, but the West didn’t think it necessary to worry. Before 1948 when Israel had not even become a state, Ayatollah Khomeini was going into all the Islamic colleges, theological seminaries and schools in Iran, teaching them a five point agenda:
Stage 1: Iran must become a theocratic, fundamentalist Islamic State.
Stage 2: Iraq must become a theocratic, fundamentalist Islamic State.
Stage 3: Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Egypt, have to become fundamentalist, theocratic Islamic States.
Stage 4: Jerusalem must be retaken and the Jewish people destroyed.
Stage 5: Conquest of the nations.

As recent history shows, Stage 1 has been accomplished but the West has somewhat derailed stage 2, stage 3 is close to being attained in some countries and most Muslims, fundamentalist or moderate, also believe in stages 4 and 5. Those five stages are bonds that unite all Muslims, regardless of sect or geographic location. The aims of Islamic fundamentalists are:
(1) Annexation of Jerusalem and annihilation of the Jews
(2) Obliteration of Christianity
(3) Conquest of all nations.
Anyone who doubts the determination of Islamists to fight should read the Koran which says, “Fight those who believe not in Allah and his prophet Muhammad, nor acknowledge the religion of truth even of the people of the book (Jews and Christians), until they pay jizya (submission tax) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued (subservient to Muslims)”. (Sura 9:29).

Most Muslims believe that the end time battle will bring them victory and dominion over the Earth, they have been taught that to fall in this fight guarantees one a sure place in heaven; blood shed in the cause of Allah is of more benefit than months of fasting and prayer. The teachings of the Mullahs guarantee that millions are ready to die to achieve their goal, but the secular West blunders on in disbelief refusing to consider that an apocalyptic battle is even possible. No wonder we cannot recognise end time events happening around us, most of us don’t even know what the Bible says let alone believe in Biblical prophecy and when the battle begins most will be caught unaware. It will seem to be just another war in the Middle East no different to the countless battles that have occurred here throughout history, but this one will be different it will decide the future of all the world’s inhabitants and will prove the existence of the Almighty; disclosing his plan to believer and non-believer alike.

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