The Antichrist

In an increasingly unstable and violent world many are looking for a predicted “Anti-Christ” to signify that the Biblical promise of redemption is real. Having studied prophecy in conjunction with my research into the nature of time I noticed that recent prophets do not give specific details of a modern opponent to the coming of the Messiah. The prophecies all relate to the Biblical period, the concept of an opponent preceding the final days seems to relate to calculations from ancient prophecies and have been promoted in the last couple of hundred years. Several founders of religious groups have developed theories which they had hoped would bring thousands of followers to their door, some of these have promised signs leading to redemption for their followers.

The most probable reason that the predicted opponent to the Messiah and Our Father in Heaven is not evident may have been that he was in the future for the Biblical prophets but has been an historic figure for the later prophets. That would put his life somewhere between 140 CE (the Bar Kokhba revolt, leading to the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem) and 1867 CE (when the Ottoman Empire began selling the land back to the Jews). The prophets Nostradamus and Mother Shipton both made verifiably accurate predictions during the 16th century and neither predicted an opponent of Judaeo/Christian culture appearing in their future, indicating that he probably existed historically before 1,500 CE. 

The only historical figure who lived in this period, and who has resulted in opposing Judaeo/Christian religious belief was Muhammad, the founder of Islam. It is impossible to argue that Islam is not trying to destroy western culture and is spreading violence and unrest throughout the world. Nostradamus predicted an invasion of Europe by “heathen” Muslims, and we cannot deny that this has already happened. The continual wars in Islamic states have resulted in millions of “refugees” flocking to the west and bringing with them the disruptive culture that has made their homelands unliveable.  

The Islamic hordes have succeeded in taking over a large part of Europe and have accomplished what earlier European ancestors prevented them from attaining in 1683, when they were halted at the gates of Vienna by Christian armies. The armies of the Ottoman Turks had besieged the city for two months until Polish forces arrived to aid the city, and destroyed the Ottoman forces, keeping Europe Christian. The date of the victory over the Islamic forces was September the 9th (9/11/1683) which left the Islamists fuming and is why they chose 9/11 as the date on which to attack USA and destroy the World Trade Centre. The battle between the Turks and Europe was not purely along religious lines as Christian vassal states from within the Ottoman Empire fought on that side and Tartars (Turkish speaking Muslims) who lived in Poland helped to defend Vienna. The battle is still seen as the victory of Christendom over Islam, particularly among Muslims.

The Muslims who have swarmed to the west have not come just to enjoy a more successful and lucrative life, they have come to spread Islam to the world and establish a global caliphate. They have also found in the west Atheists, Communists, Marxists and other groups who have become their unwitting accomplices, and who already have a foothold in the media and in education. These “useful idiots” are prepared to destroy western civilisation, unaware that under the rule of Sharia Law their own lives may be forfeit, especially those promoting lifestyles that are incompatible with Islamic Law. Islam does not condone the LGBTQ lifestyle, abortion on demand, or blasphemy against their religion, all of which may attract the death penalty.

One of the driving forces of these groups and that draws them together is a hatred of Jews. Christianity and Islam both have their roots in Judaism, but both have tried to exterminate the Jews. Part of this desire to rid the world of Jews is so that another religion, theirs, can take over as G-d’s “Chosen People”, the Jews were simply chosen to receive the Torah (G-d’s Law) and once that was given there is no way to take it back to give to another race or religion. Islam of course wants to destroy and replace both Jews and Christians, because both these religions predate Islam, and the world should start with Muhammad.

The other thing I often point out, particularly to Christian friends, is that when the Romans (actually it is believed to have been their Spanish Mercenaries) crucified Jesus they placed a sign on the cross that read, INRI. These are the Roman letters that stand for Yesus Nazareth Rex Yuden, or Jesus of Nazareth King of Jews. If Jesus is your King, then you are a Jew, he did implore everyone to follow the law as given in the Torah as the way to salvation. The early Christians were all Jewish and had no problem with that, some of the Orthodox and Coptic Christians still follow the Torah as closely as most Jews, it was the Roman church that tried to usurp the law and control people. As the political power of Rome declined, they created the Holy Roman Empire. The aim was to control people not with the sword but with the threat of eternal damnation for going against Rome and her church.

The result of all this is now a divided world and the majority of the population are opposed to Israel, which was prophesied to happen in the “final days” when every hand would be against Jerusalem. Despite centuries of invasions, pogroms, inquisitions, intifadas and the Holocaust the Jews have survived, all the ancient powerful nations that once opposed them have failed and are gone only the Jews remain; there should be a message in there and it might just be that the Bible states the truth. A Pew Report just a few years ago found that only about thirty three percent of people in the west held a Biblical world view and prayed daily, the other sixty six percent were either atheist or agnostic or knew very little about the Bible. The world is now populated by an apostate generation, just as was prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago.

The outcome of this development is also prophesied in the Bible in Zechariah (13:8) And in all the land, declares the LORD, two-thirds will be cut off and perish, but a third will be left in it. (9) This third I will bring through the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on My name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are My people,’ and they will say, ‘The LORD is our God.’

In an apostate world most will have no idea and be terrified until it is too late, there is probably still time for those who care to study, learn and repent and possibly even save themselves and their offspring; but too many will scoff and suffer. The battles currently raging are obviously a war between good and evil, it is a war on the Bible and the laws that made the west rich and powerful and brought peace and prosperity. The communists were that first to say that they could bring the west down, details of their plan was read into the Congressional Record in 1963 and most of the plan has now been implemented. The destruction of Judeo/Christian civilisation has almost been achieved and the stage is set for a final confrontation.

This final conflict was prophesied by the early Judean prophets Ezekiel, Isiah, Jeremiah, Daniel and Zecheriah. Many years ago, when the Muslims invaded Jerusalem in 636 CE, only about four years after the death of Muhammad, they elected to build a mosque on the Temple Mount. Some researchers believe that the mosque has actually been built on the “Court of the Gentiles”, the Temple was on a threshing floor and the uneven rock under the dome cannot have been a threshing floor. The final prophesied battle against G-d and Israel has been commonly called the Gog-Magog War after the main adversaries predicted by the prophets, an alliance has recently been formed between all those states identified by the ancient prophets. The remarkable accuracy of these prophecies thousands of years later must surely astound all but the most obtuse, or uninformed; it no doubt raises fear and awe in the minds of all those who study the Bible.

Those who have now aligned themselves against G-d, Israel and the Bible are not only attacking Israel but are protesting and proclaiming their intentions in every part of the world, oblivious to what they are bringing on and blinded by hatred and lies. They have been seduced by a false narrative and have never made the effort to discover the truth. They demonstrate the effectiveness of the Russian KGB experiments from the 1960’s, where they discovered that if you bombard subjects with fear messages non-stop within two months, or less, most of the subjects are completely brainwashed to believe the false message. To the point where no amount of clear information they are shown, to the contrary, can change their mind.

We now have a generation totally blinded to the truth, like Saint Greta Von How-Dare-You, convinced that the world is doomed by “climate change” (a topic I have already indicated is so wrong and have explained). Those supporting the terrorist entities of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran are fooled into believing the Bible is false, the world does not really exist, and it is all just a Jewish plot to oppress the poor Arabs. Two thirds of the world’s population are living in a fabricated paradigm, an illusion built on lies. Leftist governments under the guidance of the United Nations are fostering the illusion for their own benefit, to increase their wealth and power. People are convinced that they are no different from animals, but humans are the one species that can know right from wrong and have been given a set of laws for life. The elites are terrified that those they have impoverished and controlled may awake, arise and overpower them; to which end they have largely disarmed most populations.

It is impossible to ascertain where they think this can lead, it will not end well for most and even if the Biblical prophecies were not to occur for many years or at all, the current situation is unsustainable and there must be a collapse in society. The most probable outcome of the current position will of course be war, probably global thermonuclear war. The situation today is so similar to 1930’s Europe that we only need to look at history to see the probable outcome. The one major difference between today and the world of the 1930’s is that the Jews today have their homeland back and are strong and armed with leading edge technology. The attacks on Israel in October 2024 have awakened Jews all over the world, they have become more aware of the problems and are prepared to do whatever is required to bring about the peace and justice prophesied in the Bible. The rest of the world had better be prepared to accept this because there is now a determination to eliminate evil and make the world safe for all.

עם ישראל חי


To understand more about our apostate society,

I recommend this book.


My hypothesis on the quantum structure

of the universe is the subject of my recent book.





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