Books published

Having reviewed my website and found that it is no longer performing as it once did I have decided to close it down and seek a different avenue to inform possible customers. 

Being a site that delved into many subjects search engines found it difficult to classify my varied interests and as is the case today if in doubt they ignore you or question your content. Anything that might be politically conservative or support religion is immediately suspect.

I have instead decided to present links to my various books through my blog and also the Prophecyline forum. With that aim in mind the following is a summary of published works to date.

The Time Illusion

 First published in 1989 this book was inspired by my knowledge that our understanding of the nature of time was wrong. The prevailing view was that time was a one way flow but I proposed a time dimension that included past, present and future. The only way that this structure can exist is for each second to vary in duration from every other second. The electronic version includes subsequent scientific papers that explain how the expansion of the universe causes each second to be minutely shorter than the one that preceded it.

The End of Time

                           Published in 1995 this book examined prophecies and predictions from various cultures as well as known seers such as St Malachi, Nostradamus and Mother Shipton. Many predictions from people with no contact with each other show remarkable similarities raising the question, have all these people really foreseen the same events?

Physics God and the End of the World

                            Published in 2005 this book is a more scientific explanation of the structure of the universe. It discusses the work of Newton, Planck and Einstein and how they provide the framework for not only understanding spacetime but also dark matter and dark energy. An extension of this structure implies that a universal consciousness or supreme being is more probable than not.

Psychology of the Messiah 

 Published in 2015 this book is subtitled “Why Jesus went viral” and looks at the phenomenon of how the teachings of Jesus spread throughout most of the civilised world. It points out that Jesus did not create a new religion, he taught Judaism. A fact recognised by Biblical prophecy which says that the Gentiles will be “grafted to the root of Judah”. In other words Jews will not become Christians on Judgement Day but rather that the Christians will become Jews.

Thylacoleo Lives

                          My best selling title; first published as a booklet in 2002 this was re-released as a book in 2017, it begins with my description of an unknown large panther like marsupial that I saw up close over forty years ago. In the years since that sighting many hours of research and some subsequent sightings have led to the conclusion that the animal that I saw is the supposedly extinct marsupial lion (thylacoleo carnifex). This book is to be featured in a program on American TV in late 2018.

Apocalypse Rising

                          My first novel, also published in 2017 is a story of today, it tells the tale of a young newspaper reporter who discovers that there really are opposing forces battling society. With the help of friends and friends of friends he gradually discovers the manipulation that divides society and creates the antagonism that leads to the violence and hatred that is currently consuming western society.


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