Psychic Responsibility.
We have already examined the Earth, the Universe, how improbable life is and how precarious is our existence. We have looked at the “end of days” theories, myths and legends and ascertained that at least theoretically time might be manipulated and that prophecy is (at least theoretically) possible. Now let us consider the responsibility of a prophet or clairvoyant. Is it the clairvoyant’s responsibility to warn someone of danger foreseen or should the prophet simply keep quiet to avoid the ridicule which he knows he will face? If you were to see the future and tell someone what do you think would be the reaction? At least today in most parts of the world you could expect to be spared the attention of the inquisitors and not be burned at the stake, but your prognostications could still be subject to ridicule, disbelief and outright hostility particularly from those unfamiliar with modern physics. It should be logical to expect a warning just as we would warn someone about to step out into traffic or unexpected danger surely the clairvoyant has a responsibility to warn others. But, would you respect such a warning?
You would expect scepticism, especially in this modern era, but if the clairvoyant had been correct in a number of previous predictions his or her abilities might be accepted. There is a general acceptance among the population that some are able to perceive things that are beyond the normal senses. Many people have visited a fortune teller, police have on occasion consulted clairvoyants and movies and television programs have exploited this general belief in psychic abilities. There should be no reason for people to believe in a “sixth sense” but just the fact that people know what is meant by the term indicates that the expression is well known. Part of this may be because far more people have the ability to some minor degree than previously suspected.
No doubt scepticism comes from disbelief but there is no real reason for the hostility, it can only come from a reaction to the claims. People like to hear that the future is fine and times will be good, that they will be happy, healthy and wealthy. Immediately someone suggests that things might be otherwise the “prophet of doom” is scorned and ridiculed avoided and attacked, if not physically then at least verbally. Three thousand years ago the prophet Jeremiah complained of the same problem, if he speaks out he is attacked and ridiculed if he doesn’t the words burn within, driving him to distraction. Predictions are often somewhat vague or general and this of course leads many to dismiss the concept completely but is understandable if one considers how these things occur. Precognitive or premonitory glimpses and visions are somewhat like dreams, they come from the subconscious and like dreams they can often contain symbolic images.
In considering predictions, prophecy and the fact many people consider that we are now in the “end times” it makes one wonder why the astrologers and clairvoyants who write for various newspapers and magazines are abnormally quiet on the subject. Is it just because their editors only want good news or are those who think prophecy is being fulfilled wrong. The other option is that we are in the end times but the professionals do not see it or do not believe there is any money to be made from it. It is a sad fact that many who have foreseen and predicted the future of the world have not achieved wealth it is more profitable to tell people the things they want to hear. My website and recent book contain a number of predictions and although they may not be what people would like to hear these predictions are similar to many others and I feel duty bound to tell people because there appears no other purpose for knowing. It will then be just a matter of waiting to see how accurately I have interpreted the images.
Then some serious questions will be answered;
Can we really predict the future?
Are the prophets right, and are we on the brink of the apocalypse?
Events are now shaping that will open the eyes of many people, some really interesting times are about to start. These times are not years away, some are only weeks away and the whole answer will be shown within a few short years; then everyone will believe, some to their great embarrassment.
Coming next; Western Lethargy.
Don’t forget to visit my website, if you have a comment go to the forum, or to find out more buy my latest book.
You would expect scepticism, especially in this modern era, but if the clairvoyant had been correct in a number of previous predictions his or her abilities might be accepted. There is a general acceptance among the population that some are able to perceive things that are beyond the normal senses. Many people have visited a fortune teller, police have on occasion consulted clairvoyants and movies and television programs have exploited this general belief in psychic abilities. There should be no reason for people to believe in a “sixth sense” but just the fact that people know what is meant by the term indicates that the expression is well known. Part of this may be because far more people have the ability to some minor degree than previously suspected.
No doubt scepticism comes from disbelief but there is no real reason for the hostility, it can only come from a reaction to the claims. People like to hear that the future is fine and times will be good, that they will be happy, healthy and wealthy. Immediately someone suggests that things might be otherwise the “prophet of doom” is scorned and ridiculed avoided and attacked, if not physically then at least verbally. Three thousand years ago the prophet Jeremiah complained of the same problem, if he speaks out he is attacked and ridiculed if he doesn’t the words burn within, driving him to distraction. Predictions are often somewhat vague or general and this of course leads many to dismiss the concept completely but is understandable if one considers how these things occur. Precognitive or premonitory glimpses and visions are somewhat like dreams, they come from the subconscious and like dreams they can often contain symbolic images.
In considering predictions, prophecy and the fact many people consider that we are now in the “end times” it makes one wonder why the astrologers and clairvoyants who write for various newspapers and magazines are abnormally quiet on the subject. Is it just because their editors only want good news or are those who think prophecy is being fulfilled wrong. The other option is that we are in the end times but the professionals do not see it or do not believe there is any money to be made from it. It is a sad fact that many who have foreseen and predicted the future of the world have not achieved wealth it is more profitable to tell people the things they want to hear. My website and recent book contain a number of predictions and although they may not be what people would like to hear these predictions are similar to many others and I feel duty bound to tell people because there appears no other purpose for knowing. It will then be just a matter of waiting to see how accurately I have interpreted the images.
Then some serious questions will be answered;
Can we really predict the future?
Are the prophets right, and are we on the brink of the apocalypse?
Events are now shaping that will open the eyes of many people, some really interesting times are about to start. These times are not years away, some are only weeks away and the whole answer will be shown within a few short years; then everyone will believe, some to their great embarrassment.
Coming next; Western Lethargy.
Don’t forget to visit my website, if you have a comment go to the forum, or to find out more buy my latest book.