Debunking, getting rid of the rubbish.

This blog continues on the theme of previous blogs so if you are new to this site you may find it makes more sense to read some of the older articles first. We have already examined the Earth the Universe, how improbable life is and how precarious is our existence. We have looked at the “end of days” theories, myths and legends now is time to examine some of the other popular theories about our existence.

For reasons best known to themselves some people grasp all sorts of weird ideas about the universe and our place in it. Some of these people in their search for enlightenment find their way into cults, often with disastrous consequences. So it becomes very important not be caught up in ideas but to try and keep an open mind aware that even though we might feel a deep conviction about something we may not always be right. We should not be obsessed with an idea to the exclusion of all others and any group or individual who wishes to alienate one from family and friends probably has an ulterior motive. By the same token we should also be aware that not all our friends and relatives, although not always right, are unlikely to all be wrong at the same time, so if you find yourself alone in your beliefs, no matter what they are, it is time to examine them very carefully no matter how logical they seem. We should not assume that all cults are religious in nature many cults are anti-religion, atheists can be as fanatical as any other zealot.

The belief in UFOs and ancient astronauts is another common conviction that borders on becoming a cult, the fixation of some devotees is almost cult like. In some cases this belief is a replacement for religion as are many pseudo scientific groups, people are often more comfortable believing that our existence is due to the work of beneficent aliens than the work of an omnipotent Supreme Being who demands a certain standard of behaviour. Aliens have not threatened us with judgement or punishment for our sins and it is comfortable to consider that they are like us and not almighty and expecting to be worshipped. Just like religion there is no certifiable conclusive evidence of the existence of aliens or that they might have visited Earth. Some relics have been interpreted as evidence of aliens but this is as inconclusive as some Biblical evidence, it may or may not be so but we cannot be certain at this time.

Conspiracy theorists are also almost cult like and are even more dangerous as they riot and try to prevent economic and trade meetings such as the G8 and the Bilderberg Conferences. These groups see subversive activities in all governments and believe in a multitude of secret organisations all manipulating the world, blaming everyone from the Illuminati, the CIA or Freemasons to Zionists but are oblivious to the damage their own paranoia is causing. Among this group are many with strange environmental beliefs, admittedly some of our agricultural practices are simply expedient and not well founded but these people want to ban all industry, farming, forestry and agriculture unmindful of the millions who would die of starvation if they were successful in their aims.

In a previous blog I mentioned conjecture that there is either another undiscovered planet (Planet X) or that the Sun is part of a binary system with a dark companion that causes disruption every seven thousand years. Neither of these theories is supported by an identifiable observed gravitational effect on other planets or the sun and so the existence of such a body is improbable. There are groups who hold fast to these and countless other theories about the solar system although most of those who claimed visits from Martians and Venusians seem to have now accepted that the space probes are right and these planets are not inhabited by humanoid aliens. Although claims still arise, as demonstrated by the questions about the humanoid shadow formation recently photographed on Mars. There are many who still disregard scientific evidence however and invent fanciful explanations for the natural processes of the world, most of these are seen for the pseudo or fringe science that they represent.

Militant atheism is growing as quickly as any other extremism, with some atheists even claiming that just the teaching of the Bible to children amounts to child abuse. The attitudes of these people are as dangerous as those of any religious zealot in history. Most people do not worry about what others think unless it poses a danger to society in general or them in particular. These extremists however, deem that anyone who harbours a belief that does not agree with their perception must be dangerous. Oxford professor Richard Dawkins is a prime example of one who not only disagrees with religion but goes out of his way to actively “re-educate” people that religious belief is not only wrong but that it is evil. The only trouble with this is that their belief is just as much a matter of faith as any religion they cannot prove that the Bible is wrong anymore than a believer can prove its veracity, apart from a few archaeological finds. It is not religion that they really have a problem with but rather their own perception of it, to them apostasy is a religion.

In summary we can say that there is evidence demonstrating that many radical concepts are false but there are many for which there is no way to prove them either right or wrong. Some are simply based on opinion or possibly false belief. Science can demonstrate that time travel and therefore prophecies are at least theoretically possible, a concept explained at length in my latest book. Portions of the Bible have been substantiated by archaeological discoveries. On the strength of this it is safe to assume that Biblical prophecy has a better chance of being correct than many other beliefs, but none can be claimed as scientifically verified. Getting rid of rubbish also applies to abolishing perceptions that restrict our view so that we are unable to accept the possibility that our opinions may not always be correct, or that previously held beliefs were based on false assumptions. No matter how incredible an idea appears if evidence says it is possible we should at least be open minded enough to accept the proof when it is presented or occurs naturally, rather than to steadfastly deny what is happening. This is an important concept to remember over the next couple of years as we can expect not only a lot of upheaval but also new discoveries, ideas and revelations.

Coming next; Psychic responsibility.

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