How the solar system works.
This is a little additional article and obviously not the scheduled blog for this time but is published in response to questions about why global warming seems to be more severe when the sun is at solar minimum.
As stated in an earlier blog, “The solar wind is necessary and without it no life could exist on Earth. In the outer reaches of the solar system, beyond the orbit of Pluto, the particles of the solar wind become dispersed over a large area and the force of the solar wind diminishes at an area scientists know as “heliopause”. In this region of space inter-stellar cosmic radiation becomes powerful enough to wipe out life, but within the heliosphere of our neighbourhood star, the sun, the solar wind protects the planets from deadly cosmic radiation. We effectively live in a bubble within a bubble, the bubble of the magnetosphere protects us from the solar wind but the bubble of solar wind in turn protects us from dangerous cosmic radiation.”

This image released by NASA shows the bubble of the heliosphere and the positions of Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft. The dangerous cosmic radiation counteracted by our Sun’s solar wind is in fact cosmic microwaves. When our Sun cycles to its solar minimum, in other words its least active stage cosmic microwaves are able to enter the solar system in greater numbers and strength and generate a warming effect on the planets. This energy not only influences the planets it has a greater effect on the largest object in the solar system – the sun.
When the sun is at its least active it absorbs greater levels of cosmic microwaves which stimulate it causing it to become hotter and more active. As the sun becomes more active it ejects more particles as solar wind, the increased solar wind reduces the amount of cosmic radiation entering the solar system and the sun begins to moderate until it returns to solar minimum. This cycle from maximum to minimum takes about twelve years and the sun continually vacillates between periods of high and low energy as it maintains this steady sequence of allowing and preventing cosmic radiation from entering the solar system. This amazing balancing act has been going on for billions of years to keep the Earth perfect for the survival and evolution of life.
The sun is not just a big nuclear reactor providing warmth and light in its fusion furnace it is a dynamic body controlling the energy entering our solar system. However, it is not entirely self sufficient relying on energy from space to regulate the force it emits. A sudden burst of radiation from space could see our sun become too active and the increase in solar energy might repel cosmic radiation to such a large extent that the Earth could experience another ice age immediately following a severe burst of heat. Since the days of Newton when he demonstrated that the universe was constructed according to set mathematical formulae many have had the impression that it is just one large machine ticking along to a particular set of rules but fact that the sun is ablaze with energy from outside the solar system may indicate that a whole new paradigm is required.
It was once believed that the sun was an independent source of power that its own gravity provided the energy to generate the fusion of hydrogen into helium. Modern research shows that this may not actually be the case. A large cloud of hydrogen can easily have enough gravitational force to contract to the stage that the electron shells of its atoms collapse but that does not guarantee fusion, it could just as easily form a Bose-Einstein Condensate and remain cold. Microwave energy from space can however provide the acceleration of atomic nuclei needed to cause the collisions necessary for fusion.
In the Jewish mystical writings of the Kabala there is a concept called Nitzutzei Kedusha or “Holy Sparks” described as “Divine Energy” emanating from the creator that controls all life. This energy is said to precede creation, or in our more modern vernacular to have originated before the “Big Bang”, which explains the anomaly that scientists call the Horizon Problem or why radiation has managed to travel across more than 46 billion co-moving light years in only fifteen billion years. The microwave energy that permeates all space may have existed before the big bang and it may be the driving force behind creation.
The magnitude of this problem is quite large. According to the Big Bang model, as the density of the universe dropped while it expanded, it eventually reached a point where photons in the "mix" of particles were no longer immediately impacting matter; they "decoupled" from the plasma and spread out into the universe as a burst of light. This is thought to have occurred about 300,000 years after the Big Bang. The volume of any possible information exchange at that time was 900,000 light years across, using the speed of light and the rate of expansion of space in the early universe. Instead, the entire sky has the same temperature, a volume 10 to the power of 88 times larger.
Our present view of the universe, the one based on a universe created by a “Big Bang”, is only about fifty years old. In 1959 a survey of leading United States scientists included a question asking them to estimate the age of the universe. Two thirds of the scientists who replied said, “There is no age – the universe is eternal”. Even Albert Einstein, whose own theories indicated that the universe should be expanding, was reluctant to believe the universe was not eternal and static. Finally American Astronomer Edwin Hubble convinced Einstein to travel to Pasadena and examine the proof directly; following which Einstein admitted that Hubble’s observations, “made it appear likely that the general structure of the universe is not static”.
Einstein died in 1955 so did not witness the 1965 discovery by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson of microwave background radiation. Penzias and Wilson were working on a microwave detector at Bell Telephone Laboratories when they detected an unidentified background noise, which they subsequently identified as the remnants of the big bang and for which they were awarded the Nobel Prize. We might again be about to witness a new discovery that has scientists scratching their heads about the accuracy of religious literature and that the microwave energy that permeates all space is the “Holy Sparks” or energy of creation, that there really is a force that drives and maintains the universe. The really big questions will then be, is this force cognizant? Have we seen the Almighty?
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As stated in an earlier blog, “The solar wind is necessary and without it no life could exist on Earth. In the outer reaches of the solar system, beyond the orbit of Pluto, the particles of the solar wind become dispersed over a large area and the force of the solar wind diminishes at an area scientists know as “heliopause”. In this region of space inter-stellar cosmic radiation becomes powerful enough to wipe out life, but within the heliosphere of our neighbourhood star, the sun, the solar wind protects the planets from deadly cosmic radiation. We effectively live in a bubble within a bubble, the bubble of the magnetosphere protects us from the solar wind but the bubble of solar wind in turn protects us from dangerous cosmic radiation.”

This image released by NASA shows the bubble of the heliosphere and the positions of Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft. The dangerous cosmic radiation counteracted by our Sun’s solar wind is in fact cosmic microwaves. When our Sun cycles to its solar minimum, in other words its least active stage cosmic microwaves are able to enter the solar system in greater numbers and strength and generate a warming effect on the planets. This energy not only influences the planets it has a greater effect on the largest object in the solar system – the sun.
When the sun is at its least active it absorbs greater levels of cosmic microwaves which stimulate it causing it to become hotter and more active. As the sun becomes more active it ejects more particles as solar wind, the increased solar wind reduces the amount of cosmic radiation entering the solar system and the sun begins to moderate until it returns to solar minimum. This cycle from maximum to minimum takes about twelve years and the sun continually vacillates between periods of high and low energy as it maintains this steady sequence of allowing and preventing cosmic radiation from entering the solar system. This amazing balancing act has been going on for billions of years to keep the Earth perfect for the survival and evolution of life.
The sun is not just a big nuclear reactor providing warmth and light in its fusion furnace it is a dynamic body controlling the energy entering our solar system. However, it is not entirely self sufficient relying on energy from space to regulate the force it emits. A sudden burst of radiation from space could see our sun become too active and the increase in solar energy might repel cosmic radiation to such a large extent that the Earth could experience another ice age immediately following a severe burst of heat. Since the days of Newton when he demonstrated that the universe was constructed according to set mathematical formulae many have had the impression that it is just one large machine ticking along to a particular set of rules but fact that the sun is ablaze with energy from outside the solar system may indicate that a whole new paradigm is required.
It was once believed that the sun was an independent source of power that its own gravity provided the energy to generate the fusion of hydrogen into helium. Modern research shows that this may not actually be the case. A large cloud of hydrogen can easily have enough gravitational force to contract to the stage that the electron shells of its atoms collapse but that does not guarantee fusion, it could just as easily form a Bose-Einstein Condensate and remain cold. Microwave energy from space can however provide the acceleration of atomic nuclei needed to cause the collisions necessary for fusion.
In the Jewish mystical writings of the Kabala there is a concept called Nitzutzei Kedusha or “Holy Sparks” described as “Divine Energy” emanating from the creator that controls all life. This energy is said to precede creation, or in our more modern vernacular to have originated before the “Big Bang”, which explains the anomaly that scientists call the Horizon Problem or why radiation has managed to travel across more than 46 billion co-moving light years in only fifteen billion years. The microwave energy that permeates all space may have existed before the big bang and it may be the driving force behind creation.
The magnitude of this problem is quite large. According to the Big Bang model, as the density of the universe dropped while it expanded, it eventually reached a point where photons in the "mix" of particles were no longer immediately impacting matter; they "decoupled" from the plasma and spread out into the universe as a burst of light. This is thought to have occurred about 300,000 years after the Big Bang. The volume of any possible information exchange at that time was 900,000 light years across, using the speed of light and the rate of expansion of space in the early universe. Instead, the entire sky has the same temperature, a volume 10 to the power of 88 times larger.
Our present view of the universe, the one based on a universe created by a “Big Bang”, is only about fifty years old. In 1959 a survey of leading United States scientists included a question asking them to estimate the age of the universe. Two thirds of the scientists who replied said, “There is no age – the universe is eternal”. Even Albert Einstein, whose own theories indicated that the universe should be expanding, was reluctant to believe the universe was not eternal and static. Finally American Astronomer Edwin Hubble convinced Einstein to travel to Pasadena and examine the proof directly; following which Einstein admitted that Hubble’s observations, “made it appear likely that the general structure of the universe is not static”.
Einstein died in 1955 so did not witness the 1965 discovery by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson of microwave background radiation. Penzias and Wilson were working on a microwave detector at Bell Telephone Laboratories when they detected an unidentified background noise, which they subsequently identified as the remnants of the big bang and for which they were awarded the Nobel Prize. We might again be about to witness a new discovery that has scientists scratching their heads about the accuracy of religious literature and that the microwave energy that permeates all space is the “Holy Sparks” or energy of creation, that there really is a force that drives and maintains the universe. The really big questions will then be, is this force cognizant? Have we seen the Almighty?
Buy my book to find out all the detail of scientific evidence about our amazing future.
Don’t forget to visit my website and if you have a comment go to the forum.