
Showing posts from 2019

Censored content

Sometime ago I had a prophetic dream (which I do from time to time) in which I saw a star that grew to rival the sun. The only explanation for this would be a supernova but the vision was so impressive that I uploaded a YouTube video because of an impression that I had that just as a little over two thousand years ago a star heralded an important event so too would this new star herald an even more important event. It appears that others are sensing that something big is coming and I tried to share the information but Facebook blocked it as "not complying with community standards" YouTube has also never included the video in recommended list, it would appear that proposing these possibilities is against community standards. For those interested I will include the link here for the blocked Facebook share, judge for yourself what community standards Facebook could be protecting.

The tragedy of Islam

The internet is full of claims and theories about Islam many of these are not the truth and come from a misunderstanding. One claim that has appeared quite a bit in social media is a statement that says, “Allah is not God.” The name Allah means God and is simply the Arabic pronunciation of the Hebrew word Eli which is the word for God; it is the most used word for God in the original Hebrew Bible. In fact it is the word used by Jesus when he was dying on the cross, “ Eli Eli Lama Sabachth ani?” (My God, My God why hast thou forsaken me?).   This plea is a direct quote from Psalm 22:1 which would have been well known by Jesus and his disciples. Islam was introduced amongst the descendants of Ishmael who were predominantly Druze, as was Jethro, the Father in Law of Moses. The Druze were friends and brothers to the descendants of Isaac and his son Israel, the Hebrews, who became the Jews once they settled in Judea. The tragedy of Islam is that Muhammad introduced a philosophy t...

The Theory of Everything

Albert Einstein was claimed to have said that if you couldn’t explain your hypothesis to your hairdresser in ten minutes then you don’t really understand it yourself. While I don’t claim that I have really solved the problem that occupied Einstein for most of his life I have developed a concept that does link relativity and quantum theory. A diversion for one whose field was business management but I needed physics to make sense of much of my own personal experiences so I undertook a study of physics.. My thesis was published thirty years ago in 1989, so to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of that publication I am summarising my hypothesis in my blog. I also decided to share this brief summary because a number of astounding events are about to occur that will change everything we know about the universe. I feel that I began from a better position than most physicists because as someone who has experienced precognitive dreams and visions for most of his life I knew that our un...

Australia what have we done?

Australian society today is no longer the nation that it was; our young people are drunken brawlers spending their weekends in alcohol fuelled violence rather than the sport loving outdoors image of former generations. Our cities are filled with violent African, Asian and Middle Eastern gangs violently attacking citizens and involved in criminal activities. Despite the strictest gun laws in our history gun violence and criminal shootouts are rife. There are a number of causes for this decay in the nature of our culture, primarily we have opened our borders and allowed countless refugees to come in without serious examination. We have encouraged the wrong type of refugees by making generous welfare available without qualification. The cause of the failure of our youth is the collapse of our education system. Students today do not know anything about the Bible or why it was the source of most of our laws. They know nothing of Australia’s history or literature having been taught mo...

The Anti-Christ

In a blog in January 2019 I discussed predictions and how it is apparent that many prophecies and predictions are apparently being fulfilled at the present time. This blog is an extension of that effort to bring some further light and common sense to the discussion, much of which is driven by conspiracy theorists with little or no understanding of scripture. I will today examine the idea of the anti-Christ; my inspiration to examine this came from a YouTube video that proclaimed that, “the Jewish Messiah will be the anti-Christ.” This shows a lack of understanding of both Christianity and Judaism; it loses sight of the fact that Jesus did not start a new religion; he was a Rabbi and taught Judaism. Early Christians were all Jews and until about eighty years after the crucifixion prayed in the same synagogues as all the other Jews. Following the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem the Rabbis declared that Jesus had failed to fulfill all the requirements of the Messiah so could...


The internet and certain publications are rife with predictions and dire warnings; blood moons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wars and civil unrest are all seen as portents of doom. There can be no doubt that strange things are happening and that we are in the “end times” according to Biblical prophecy but there are a number of things that must happen before the Apocalypse (a Greek word that simply means Revelation). In Jewish theology it is the “final redemption” where the Almighty will judge all men. Judgement will not depend on your ancestry, your religion or any other criteria but primarily on the way in which you have treated your fellow man. Teachings in some families and cultures have better prepared some people to survive others simply deny the possibility and continue until it is too late, as the Bible warns, “As in the days of Noah.” They will continue until catastrophe overtakes them. I have made a study of prophecy and have no doubt of its veracity and ability to ...