
The internet and certain publications are rife with predictions and dire warnings; blood moons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wars and civil unrest are all seen as portents of doom. There can be no doubt that strange things are happening and that we are in the “end times” according to Biblical prophecy but there are a number of things that must happen before the Apocalypse (a Greek word that simply means Revelation). In Jewish theology it is the “final redemption” where the Almighty will judge all men. Judgement will not depend on your ancestry, your religion or any other criteria but primarily on the way in which you have treated your fellow man. Teachings in some families and cultures have better prepared some people to survive others simply deny the possibility and continue until it is too late, as the Bible warns, “As in the days of Noah.” They will continue until catastrophe overtakes them.

I have made a study of prophecy and have no doubt of its veracity and ability to predict the future because precognitive and premonitory dreams and visions have been my own experience my whole life. The events that I have foreseen and found supported among prophecies are unmistakable and will happen before redemption. Although I know that these things will happen I cannot say with certainty the order or dates they will happen. The events are unbelievable because they are such miracles and most people will find it impossible to believe it could happen but I fully expect to see them in my lifetime and as I am already well into my seventies it is probable that the time is short.

The events I predict though not necessarily in order are; a supernova, two large meteors or asteroids colliding with the Earth, the eruption of several volcanoes and I believe that a couple of them will be in the category of super volcanoes, massive amounts of dust and ash will be hurled into the air blocking out the sun. There will be an invasion of Israel, I am not sure if this is the catalyst to arouse the anger of the Almighty and bring about these catastrophic events but it could be the cause. The most significant and unbelievable prediction is that all this upheaval will cause a change in the rotation of the Earth. A day will be only sixteen hours long; when you see all these things you will know that the time is at hand. Two thirds of the world’s population will shrug and say, “It can’t happen”. Those who take note and study the scriptures will be ready because the answer to survival has been written, because the Almighty is forgiving but just.

Despite what scientists claim the universe can be destroyed in an hour and remade in six days. According to the Greek historian Herodotus (484 BCE – 423 BCE) when he visited the library at Alexandrina an Egyptian scholar laughed at him and said, “You Greeks think you are an ancient race but you have not even existed for one remake of the world when Egypt has existed through two.” When Herodotus asked what that meant the Egyptian told him that the Creator remakes the world every seven thousand years. It may seem ludicrous to us today but supernova remnants seem to bear that out, our galaxy experiences on average one supernova every twenty-six years so in the millions of years we think the universe has existed there should be tens of thousands of remnants but we can find only about two hundred and seventy which is approximately the number we would expect if the universe was only six thousand years old (or 5779 according to the Hebrew calendar).

Just because the world is less than six thousand years old and the remake occurs every seven thousand years we should not become complacent. The Bible tells us to that the Almighty laboured six days and rested on the seventh, we too are told to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. The Bible also says to leave fields fallow every seven years and after seven sevens to celebrate a jubilee. The seventh is for rest so we should not be surprised if our creator sets the seventh millennium as one of rest, we should expect his judgement before the “sunset” of the sixth millennium, or anytime in the near future.

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