The Anti-Christ
In a blog in January 2019 I
discussed predictions and how it is apparent that many prophecies and
predictions are apparently being fulfilled at the present time. This blog is an
extension of that effort to bring some further light and common sense to the
discussion, much of which is driven by conspiracy theorists with little or no
understanding of scripture. I will today examine the idea of the anti-Christ; my
inspiration to examine this came from a YouTube video that proclaimed that,
“the Jewish Messiah will be the anti-Christ.”
This shows a lack of
understanding of both Christianity and Judaism; it loses sight of the fact that
Jesus did not start a new religion; he was a Rabbi and taught Judaism. Early
Christians were all Jews and until about eighty years after the crucifixion
prayed in the same synagogues as all the other Jews. Following the destruction
of the Temple in Jerusalem the Rabbis declared that Jesus had failed to fulfill
all the requirements of the Messiah so could not be recognised as the one to
bring redemption. This decision resulted in a split between those Jews who
believed Jesus and those who accepted the rabbinical decision. The real changes
between the two groups came when Rome adopted Christianity and adapted it to
replace their own religion and the worship of Jupiter.
The term anti-Christ appears
several times in the New Testament as well as terms for false Christs who will
lead people astray and warns to be wary of even those who perform wonders. The
Biblical warnings are also associated with predictions from non-Biblical
prophets such as Nostradamus, who implied three anti-Christs. In his writings
two of these are readily identifiable as Napoleon and Hitler, leading to great
speculation and accusations about the third. In Nostradamus’ view the
anti-Christs were men who tried to conquer the world with violence. The third
anti-Christ is not identifiable from the work of Nostradamus and it may be that
this is because it might be that one lived a thousand years before Nostradamus,
who would then see no reason to predict this person.
The one who began his conquest
almost a thousand years before Nostradamus and whose manifesto is still being
violently enforced by his followers is Muhammad. It would be a shame if this is
the case because many Muslims are descended from Ishmael and according to the
Bible are bound to the Almighty by the action of Abraham binding his son atop
the alter; an action that secured a special place for all the descendants of
Abraham “unto all generations.” To think that the conduct of a warlord could
subvert the birthright of many by encouraging them into violence and conflict
for the sake of world conquest is a tragedy. The truth is however that Muhammad
has been responsible for far more deaths than Napoleon and Hitler combined and
the tally is still rising daily. The inflexibility of the Jihadist mentality
ensures that there can be no peace; either all Jihadists must die or all
infidels. While they conduct “slow Jihad” infiltrating and subverting
populations they are difficult to stop but there will come a tipping point
where conflict must ensue.
Many Muslims are good and kind
people but are trapped by a culture that demands they follow or die. Some have
found the courage to escape despite the penalty of leaving Islam to be death,
and unfortunately too many are willing to inflict this penalty on their
brethren. In recent years we have seen the unusual habit of Muslim parents
sending teenage children back to their homeland to be left with relatives, or
even alone, because the parents have felt their children have become too
Westernized. Such is the fear generated by this culture that parents are afraid
of their children becoming less controlled by Islam and possibly even leave, requiring
them to be put to death. Everything about Islam points to Muhammad being the
original anti-Christ and his heirs are fulfilling his design and leading the
world into the final conflict which their religion claims will give them
victory over the infidels.
Despite presenting unbelievable
scenarios such as rocks and trees speaking to enable the massacre of Jews and
Jesus returning to use a borrowed spear to kill the last of his followers, many
Muslims believe these events will happen to bring them victory. The prophecies
of Islam are directly opposed to those of the Bible, which has many prophecies
that can be shown to have been fulfilled. It is these fulfilled prophecies that
make the Bible unique, no other work has been shown to accurately predict the
future. The Bible does describe a final battle before judgement, but this involves
an invasion of Israel and a final battle near Megiddo. This battle will not be
decided by military force but by the hand of the Almighty. The Bible describes
quite horrific scenes with the flesh peeling from bodies and eyes falling from
their sockets and the invaders turning on each other in terror.
In Jewish literature there are
two Messiahs, A Messiah Ben Yusuf and a Messiah Ben David, that means a leader
from the house of Joseph and the Messiah from the house of David. The Bible
separates church and state, the High Priest cannot be King the priest’s duty is
to serve God and the King’s duty is to serve the people. In the prophecies of
both Enoch and Daniel one referred to as “Ancient of Days”, white haired and
bearded assembles the people and then the Messiah arrives and is given power
over all mankind. A logical scenario if other Biblical prophecies are correct
and two thirds of the world’s population perish in the final inferno.