The Theory of Everything

Albert Einstein was claimed to have said that if you couldn’t explain your hypothesis to your hairdresser in ten minutes then you don’t really understand it yourself. While I don’t claim that I have really solved the problem that occupied Einstein for most of his life I have developed a concept that does link relativity and quantum theory. A diversion for one whose field was business management but I needed physics to make sense of much of my own personal experiences so I undertook a study of physics.. My thesis was published thirty years ago in 1989, so to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of that publication I am summarising my hypothesis in my blog. I also decided to share this brief summary because a number of astounding events are about to occur that will change everything we know about the universe.

I feel that I began from a better position than most physicists because as someone who has experienced precognitive dreams and visions for most of his life I knew that our understanding of the nature of time was wrong. Time could not possibly be the one way flow that we experience from moment to moment. The present must already exist or I could not perceive it and by extension the past must also remain because there is nowhere for it to go; the time dimension must necessarily contain past, present and future. Cause must always precede affect but the two can occur simultaneously, enabling the “future” to be glimpsed under certain circumstances.

The only way for this to happen is for every moment in time to vary slightly from every other moment in time. I read a translation of a lecture that Einstein delivered at the University of Berlin in 1931, it was a very good translation and to me it was like a light turning on when I read his explanation of the Lorentz equations. I could immediately see the relativity of the speed of light and the rate of causality or the rate at which time passes. The other gem that Einstein gave us was that both velocity and gravity influence the perceived rate at which time passes.

To discover how the time dimension behaved I turned back to Newton who showed that a gravitational field is inversely proportional to the square of the distance; for those who don’t understand what this means it simply says that a gravity field gets weaker as we move away from an object and it weakens twice as quickly as the distance increases. Then it was time to consider Hubble and the expanding universe. Obviously if the universe is expanding and everything is moving away from everything else the gravitational field of the universe must be diminishing.

In General Relativity Einstein showed that in a weaker gravitational field time passes more quickly. A concept that we prove daily, in fact the US Navy has a whole division who continually recalibrate clocks on GPS satellites or GPS coordinates would drift by about eleven miles a day. The conclusion from all of this is that time (the rate of causality) must vary minutely from one second to the next. Within a diminishing gravitational field each moment in time is slightly shorter than the one that preceded it.

This means that when the universe was half its present age time was moving half as quickly so each second was twice as long as it is today. In this case although we believe today that the universe is about fourteen billion years old it was already that age when a second took twice as long to pass. Conversely when the universe is apparently twice as old a second will only be half as long so the universe will still only be fourteen billion years old, even though the inhabitants at that time will believe it is twice that age. This is a simplified explanation because the changing rate of causality is not linear it is exponential, but it should serve to explain the principle. This structure can explain a number of anomalies that scientists notice today as well as dark matter and dark energy, as I have explained in my books.

My thesis was published at the same time that the Late Prof. Stephen Hawking’s book, A Brief History of Time was released; but we each held diametrically opposed views on the nature of the time dimension. The professor believed in arrows of time and a one way flow. I wrote to him and received a reply from his secretary that he was unable to respond personally but would look at my work. In 1995 I read a newspaper article that expressed great surprise that the professor had changed his mind and was urging research into the possibility of time travel. He did eventually collaborate with Leonard Mlodinow on a work that agreed that past, present and future exist simultaneously.

The difficulty now is to understand how all time can exist in the same space at the same time and for this we need to turn to the work of Planck and his discovery of quanta. Planck set out to find a correlation between spectral analysis and atomic structure, he used hydrogen as the simplest atom expecting to find only about two absorption lines instead he found over a hundred. Planck’s discovery showed that particles could exist in various states of excitement and that quanta only react in specific discreet amounts; any quanta that is not of the correct discreet amount cannot react with any other quanta. Requiring specific discreet values to be able to react or be detected means that any quanta not relevant to the exact current moment of causality are undetectable and might just as well not exist. The universe can contain every quantum from every moment in time but only those at the correct discreet value will appear to exist at any particular moment.

Just as electrons exist in “shells” within their atoms (in space) so quanta exist within “shells” in time and we progress from experiencing the past shell to the current shell as we experience each moment of time. We can imagine that the entire universe, past present and future exists continually and permanently and the only thing truly moving is our awareness.  Richard Feynman designed maps to show progress through time which provide a guide to the concept of progress in a time dimension that contains every moment in time. The illusion is of movement forward in time which appears to be accelerating as the diminishing gravitational field of the universe causes the rate of causality to increase. The result of this structure means that there is no place or time in the universe that we cannot visit.

I am a firm supporter of the ΛCDM structure of the universe but also believe that MOND Theory (Modified Newtonian dynamics) also describes much of the structure we observe. In several publications I have proposed that the varying gravitational field of the universe can account for many anomalies that remain unexplained.

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