The Real Theory of Everything

One of the major puzzles facing scientists today is the inability to reconcile relativity and quantum theory, to establish a “Theory of Everything” which will explain the discrepancies between the two concepts. The basis of the problem is that we are trying to create a theory of everything while refusing to examine everything and ignoring many aspects of the universe. Most scientists are afraid to examine psychic phenomena or religious teachings although some groups investigate these things with an open mind they are careful not to make claims that others might deride.

Academics are regimented and taught what the current scientific paradigm is and in order to maintain their positions and income must not vary from the established view. It is this pressure to conform that restricts research that might otherwise solve many problems. As someone who experiences precognitive events, including dreams and visions of future events, I knew that our understanding of the universe (and time in particular) was flawed. In addition when I learned about the universe we were told that it was eternal and static, only to discover later that the religious view of a beginning to the universe was the correct understanding.

A similar event occurred about a hundred years earlier when the French Academy of Science ruled that meteors were “bunkum”, in their words, “Rocks do not fall from the sky.” That view was changed a few years later by a meteor shower that saw many rocks land on the Earth. Science does not have all the answers nor is it always correct in its rulings. Today this refusal to examine what many people believe or experience may be what is keeping scientists from completing their understanding of the links between quantum physics and what Einstein called, “Spooky at a distance reactions” and our understanding of relativity and the accepted ΛCDM model of the universe.

There are a number of scientists who support a view of intelligent design or a cognisant universe, this view is that the universe is too finely tuned to have occurred by accident. Even Max Planck, the founding father of quantum physics, said: “All matter originates and exists, only by virtue of a force. We must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” The balance between the nuclear forces, electro-magnetic force and gravity are so delicately balanced that any tiny variance would mean that the universe could not exist.

In addition to this Drs. Neppe and Close combined their skills to produce a mathematical description of consciousness and the ultimate conclusion of a mathematical model shows that inanimate matter can never become animate. In other words consciousness had to form before a physical universe that supports conscious beings could exist. Matter cannot become aware but consciousness can become material, which of course poses the question about how objective or subjective is the universe. All we perceive is experienced internally so the actuality of what is and what we perceive may vary considerably; some scientists even consider that the universe may simply be a hologram. Intelligent design is the only logical way in which a universe populated by conscious beings can evolve.

In my first book “The Time Illusion” (published in 1989 but now on Kindle) I described a universe in which all time exists in a single instant. Because gravity controls the rate at which time passes, in an expanding universe we perceive the passage of time to be accelerating. Recent experiments that entangled two photons that did not exist at the same time support this concept. Ultimately the acceleration of time means that when the universe was half its present age time moved half as fast as it does today and so a second at that time was twice as long as it is today. The result of this is that the universe at that time had already existed for the same amount of time as it has today. In the future the shorter second will mean that although we believe more time has passed the smaller time periods mean the universe will be exactly the same age as it is today.

This structure of the universe not only explains quantum action but also why dark matter and dark energy are an integral part of existence. Various proofs were explained in my book “Physics God and the End of the World” (2005) but many people are resistant to any concept that proposes intelligent design. In failing to consider this or to examine paranormal events we are ignoring what may be a large part of the universe, and may very well turn out to be the most important part.


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