The End of Days

A Jewish commentary describing the End of Days, the Sefer Eliyahu, first published in Salonika in 1743, describes how the Arab nations will attempt to convert the Jewish nation to Islam and rewrite Temple Mount history:

Israel will say to the king of the Arabs, ‘Take silver and gold and leave the Temple.’ The king of the Arabs will say, ‘You have nothing to do with this Temple. …At that time, the Arabs will say to Israel, ‘Come and believe in our faith,’ but Israel will answer, ‘We will kill or be killed, but we will not deny our belief!’ At that time, swords will be drawn, bows will be strung and arrows will be sent, and many will fall.” (Pirkei Mashiach, p. 236)

The Sefer Eliyahu describes a war of faith and religion, of the type being fought today. Sacrifices, or the modern equivalent, prayer, is at the center of the conflict, as the ancient book predicts. Today Jews or Christians praying on the Temple Mount is considered an act of aggression in the international press and a declaration of war.

Though the recent conflict is violent, Rabbi Yekutiel Yehudah Halberstam, also known as the Klausenberger Rebbe, predicted this conflict with the Arabs after the Six-Day War, almost 40 years ago, and instructed his students on how to be victorious.

“Don’t think that the Arabs will always run away; Ishmael will return, resiliently strong. Our ultimate war with him will be a difficult one; we shall not prevail by way of military means…The Nazis killed my wife and my eleven children. I suffered from them in ways that defy description. Yet, the Ishmaelites outdo the Nazis when it comes to cruelty. I shudder to think what will be.”

According to Rabbi Mattityahu Glazerson, a world-renowned Bible Codes expert, the conflict between the “sons of Ishmael” and the Jewish nation is clearly spelled out in the Bible. Citing the rabbinic commentary known as the Pirke de Rebbe Eliezer, written 100 years before the beginning of Islam, Ishmael will challenge the Jews in the final days of the messianic era “falsehood will multiply and truth will be hidden,” precisely in the manner Israel is being challenged today.

It appears that in addition to Biblical prophecies which appear to be being fulfilled many other prophetical writings describe what is happening in Israel today. Anyone who has read the Prophecies of Nostradamus must be shaking their heads in disbelief at the apparent accuracy of some of his predictions. In 1974 when Erika Cheetham first published her translation and interpretations many claimed that predictions such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, the failure of communism and a Muslim invasion of Europe were impossible.

In Quatrain 3:97 Nostradamus also appears to predict the defeat of Islam; which he refers to as, “The Great Barbarian Empire” and predicts that it will “crumble”. A recently discovered “Bible Code” or chain of words found in the Torah by reading equidistantly spaced letters makes the same prediction and indicates that the date may be the current Jewish Jubilee year. St Malachy (1095 – 1148) predicted the succession of Popes from his time until the End Days and believed that the current Pope would be the last before Judgement.

At the time that I was born Palestine was the homeland of the Jewish people and even Jews born there were known as Palestinians. The current concept of “Palestinians” as a separate people was created by Yassar Arafat (an Egyptian) and did not develop until after 1964. In 1991 Israel granted Arafat’s group self government but they have never developed their own proper government or infrastructure and have expended all the effort and funds that could have seen growth and prosperity into promoting hatred and lies against the Jewish people and Israel.

Current events and attitudes all appear to have been predicted, not only in the Bible but in the works of many other prophets. It is logical that hatred and falsehoods do not make a firm foundation for a lasting civilisation and so it is probable that the predictions of the crumbling of the barbarian empire could be well founded. The only real question might be the timing, but based on predictions of a war that involves Israel being attacked by those from the lands of Gog and Magog (Russia and Iran) and the increasing involvement of those two nations with Syria the end time may well be in sight.

These events are part of the inspiration behind my latest book

 which I hope will give people some comfort and hope for a future of peace.


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