Our Amazing World
In an earlier blog I examined how the magnetosphere protects the Earth from the solar wind and how the solar wind protects us from cosmic microwaves so that our home planet exists like a bubble within a bubble protected from dangerous radiation. We also live in a universe where the various forces (nuclear, electromagnetic and gravity) are incredibly finely tuned to allow not only matter to exist but life itself. The universe is fine-tuned so that twenty different constants are in remarkable balance and we have no idea why. The forces are balanced one to 10 to the 37th power (that is ten followed by 37 zeroes), one to 10 to the 40th (40 zeroes) power and one to 10 to the 55th (55 zeroes) power; in short our universe should not even exist let alone support life.
Climate has also been in the news and discussed at great length over the last few years and whether you subscribe to the concept of man made global warming or disagree with the idea you need to be aware of just how finely tuned the Earth is to support life. The moon orbits the Earth at an angle that stabilises the Earth with its axis at an angle that generates the seasons that make our world productive. The Earth also orbits the sun in an elliptic orbit that sees it move closer to the sun at one point and further away at other times. This may not seem to be an important matter but the geography of the Earth is such that the greater land mass is in the Northern Hemisphere and the bulk of the oceans are in the South. Oceans warm and cool much slower than land masses and distribute the temperature through ocean currents. The Earth’s southern summer occurs when Earth is at perihelion or its closest point to the sun and apogee occurs in the southern winter. The opposite seasons in the North mean the Earth’s geography is such that its very design and orbit serve to balance what would otherwise be serious temperature fluctuations.
Since the advent of satellites we have also known that the Earth is slightly pear shaped, bulging somewhat in the south, this is because the Earth’s rotation affects the oceans more than the land. Our sun also orbits the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy but the plane of the solar system is at right angles to the galactic plane meaning that as we travel through space the Northern Hemisphere faces “outward” but the south faces in toward the galactic centre. The angle allows the magnetosphere to provide maximum protection on our planet’s journey through space.
We now have even more interesting discoveries about the structure of the universe and the nature of our world. Craig Hogan, a physicist at the Fermilab particle physics lab in Batavia, Illinois, suggested that the universe may be holographic in nature and sent his work to the GEO600 experiment near Hanover in Germany. This is a group trying to detect gravity waves and Hogan calculated that their equipment might find an interference signal. The experimenters confirmed that they had in fact discovered something they could not explain and it turned out to be what Hogan’s paper predicted. When informed of the discovery Hogan said, "If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram."
Now we come to the really interesting part, the holographic nature of the universe means that just as a hologram is projected by a laser, something outside our universe is creating all that we experience. This is a principle advocated thousands of years ago by students of Kabbalah (the system of Jewish mysticism) who claim the universe is created and maintained by emanations of Nitzutzei Kedusha (Holy Sparks) coming from the Creator. Just as religion claimed the universe had a beginning when scientists still believed that it was eternal and had always existed now it seems that religion has again beaten science to the punch because the universe did not just happen, it is being continually created (or projected) by something (or someone) outside our experience or current ability to detect.
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Climate has also been in the news and discussed at great length over the last few years and whether you subscribe to the concept of man made global warming or disagree with the idea you need to be aware of just how finely tuned the Earth is to support life. The moon orbits the Earth at an angle that stabilises the Earth with its axis at an angle that generates the seasons that make our world productive. The Earth also orbits the sun in an elliptic orbit that sees it move closer to the sun at one point and further away at other times. This may not seem to be an important matter but the geography of the Earth is such that the greater land mass is in the Northern Hemisphere and the bulk of the oceans are in the South. Oceans warm and cool much slower than land masses and distribute the temperature through ocean currents. The Earth’s southern summer occurs when Earth is at perihelion or its closest point to the sun and apogee occurs in the southern winter. The opposite seasons in the North mean the Earth’s geography is such that its very design and orbit serve to balance what would otherwise be serious temperature fluctuations.
Since the advent of satellites we have also known that the Earth is slightly pear shaped, bulging somewhat in the south, this is because the Earth’s rotation affects the oceans more than the land. Our sun also orbits the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy but the plane of the solar system is at right angles to the galactic plane meaning that as we travel through space the Northern Hemisphere faces “outward” but the south faces in toward the galactic centre. The angle allows the magnetosphere to provide maximum protection on our planet’s journey through space.
We now have even more interesting discoveries about the structure of the universe and the nature of our world. Craig Hogan, a physicist at the Fermilab particle physics lab in Batavia, Illinois, suggested that the universe may be holographic in nature and sent his work to the GEO600 experiment near Hanover in Germany. This is a group trying to detect gravity waves and Hogan calculated that their equipment might find an interference signal. The experimenters confirmed that they had in fact discovered something they could not explain and it turned out to be what Hogan’s paper predicted. When informed of the discovery Hogan said, "If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram."
Now we come to the really interesting part, the holographic nature of the universe means that just as a hologram is projected by a laser, something outside our universe is creating all that we experience. This is a principle advocated thousands of years ago by students of Kabbalah (the system of Jewish mysticism) who claim the universe is created and maintained by emanations of Nitzutzei Kedusha (Holy Sparks) coming from the Creator. Just as religion claimed the universe had a beginning when scientists still believed that it was eternal and had always existed now it seems that religion has again beaten science to the punch because the universe did not just happen, it is being continually created (or projected) by something (or someone) outside our experience or current ability to detect.
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