2012 - Civil Unrest

Throughout history there have been many predictions about the near future, the best known is probably the Mayan calendar which ends on a specific date; December 21st 2012. Hollywood has jumped on the bandwagon and produced a movie showing disaster and extreme calamities at that time. History channel has created a whole series listing the various legends, cultures and Biblical chapters that appear to predict an end of the world in our time. None however has looked at what this concept is doing to our civilisation.

In all these productions the content of the predictions has been embellished to present a picture of doom and gloom and promote an expectation of catastrophe. We live in a time of increasing unrest; violence and civil disobedience seem to increase everyday. Every disaster brings looters our churches are empty and our jails are full, older citizens are generally sure that there is a connection. In my lifetime, in my home state, I have seen murders increase from about two each year to more than that everyday. Militant atheists claim that religion is the cause of evil and actively denigrate belief, homosexuality is actively promoted as an acceptable “alternative lifestyle” and we wonder why our society is failing. The Judeo-Christian beliefs and laws on which our society was based and by which it became the most important culture in the world have been discarded and we wonder why our civilisation is failing. It is not failing; we have abandoned it.

One of the major problems facing many today is how to remain safe; it is sometimes not safe simply to go shopping, this problem may easily become worse as time passes. Fortunately many things today can be obtained via the internet thus avoiding areas where difficulties might be encountered. It is also prudent to maintain quantities of foodstuffs, medicines and similar items in a special kit much as those in earthquake or storm prone regions are urged to keep. Events that appear to signify approaching doom will no doubt trigger panic and violent deeds in those who are prone to fear or erratic behaviour.

Many of the predictions, particularly those in the Bible, not only predict turmoil but also a new beginning and a new age of peace. We should be prepared not just for destruction but for a bright new future, it is difficult for the atheists and those with no faith to comprehend and they will no doubt succumb to fear, but those with faith take heart from the words of Zechariah.

Zechariah 13:8
"In the whole land" declares the Lord,
"Two thirds will be struck down and perish; yet one third will be left in it."

Zechariah 13:9
"This third I will bring into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold.
They will call on my name and I will answer them,
I will say, "They are my people" and they will say, "The Lord is our God."

This is a particularly interesting prediction because a recent worldwide survey revealed that on the whole Earth only one third of all people pray daily, the others either do not know, do not care or are simply avowed atheists. It appears that this ratio was known almost three thousand years ago.

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