Clover blog

We have all heard of the traditional four leaf clover and how lucky you are to find one well here is a five leaf clover. Because it is different to all the other clovers that once surrounded it I noticed it and picked it just for being special. It occurred to me at the time that we might walk past a patch of clover and not even notice that one of them has four or even five leaves and is special. We sometimes do the same thing with people we do not notice how special they might be, not that they could have five leaves but they may be different to us in other ways that make them unique. In a world of turmoil and distrust we should all take a moment and reflect on this and think that although we are all different in some ways we all have needs that are similar we all need to feel safe and free from worry about the actions of others. To consider doing harm to another human being (no matter what your justification) is wrong. Once when our society believed in religion and reading the Bible ...