
Showing posts from 2008

The Theory Of Everything.

In books, blogs and WebPages I have explained many things but widespread acceptance of my hypothesis has been slow. This can be explained by a number of reasons but several main objections stand out; Time must be quantized for quantum mechanics to reconcile with relativity, and although I provided evidence of this in the book “Physics, God and the End Of The World” other evidence suggests that time is not quantized. This anomaly is explainable by the concept that time itself is relative both in the rate at which it progresses and in relation to our position in the time continuum. Another stumbling block is the concept that in a universe where all time exists in a single instant, or dimension, the existence of a Supreme Being is more probable than not. A driving force from outside our dimension is the most logical answer to many of the structures we observe. Recent discoveries show that according to the conventional model of particle physics, protons and neutrons comprise smaller partic...

Dark Matter and Dark Energy prove time theory.

What is the universe made up of? Is it made of stars and galaxies, hydrogen gas or planets like ours? The truth is that scientists just do not know what makes up over seventy-five percent of our universe. Most of our understanding of the universe revolves around what we call the Standard Model. This is a theory that explains atomic particles, the structure of atoms and the ways they react and it explains these very well; but there are a number of anomalies that science cannot explain particularly when it comes to the large scale structure of the universe. Cosmologists today generally agree on a structure known as the Concordance Model and even though this and the Standard model predict the outcome of experiments and describe things before we even discover them there are still a number of observations that we just cannot explain. The most perplexing of these problems are the horizon problem, dark matter, dark energy, and the Pioneer Anomaly. The horizon problem is our first puzzle, it ...

Carbon Facts

The Australian Government has embarked on a course of developing a carbon trading scheme that will see new taxes levied all carbon producing activities. This government claims that this will provide relief from global warming and protect the environment; unfortunately these claims are not supported by the facts. 1. It is not conclusively proved that carbon is the cause of global warming, or that it is even a significant factor. 2. NASA has shown that warming levels similar to those on Earth are occurring on both Jupiter and Mars and neither of these have a carbon emissions problem. 3. Global temperatures are always highest at solar minimum when the reduced solar wind allows higher cosmic microwave radiation to enter the solar system. 4. Cosmic microwaves have been demonstrated to have a warming effect on upper atmospheric clouds. (See U.S. Govt’s “Living with a star workshop”) 5. The Sun is currently at solar minimum having produced few sunspots in the last three years. This is slightl...

Prophetic Summary

This blog site and the Prophecyline website were produced to make clear how prophecy and predictions are explainable within our understanding of physics. I began the study knowing that these things were possible because of my own precognitive and premonitory experiences. Being an otherwise normal rational person I realised that there had to be scientific justification, as I do not believe in so called “paranormal” events, so I began to study all possible relevant literature. The study has directed me to the conclusions presented in my previous blogs and now as a way of summary I will give a number of explanations and predictions that the reader can use as a means to determine the accuracy of my conclusions. The belief in a seven year period of tribulation has many religious people looking for strange signs and events to demonstrate that Biblical predictions are being fulfilled. The seven year tribulation however is not that apparent. In various verses the Bible tells us that people wil...

The Gravity Key

The key to understanding the structure of the universe comes from understanding how gravity works. It has taken two books to cover the topic so a blog page is only able to give the barest of brief descriptions. Gravity is the force that holds the whole universe together. There are four forces in all, two nuclear forces that only act inside the atom, electromagnetic force that binds atoms together into molecules and various compounds but this comes in both positive and negative and is more or less in balance. Then there is gravity, the weakest but most far reaching of all the forces it draws matter together to form planets and stars and even giant galaxies. Newton’s laws of gravity state, “Every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle. With a force whose direction is that of the joining of the two, and whose magnitude is directly proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of their distance from each other”. Because gravitational force ...


That life even exists on Earth is a miracle; in previous blogs I have written about the fine tuning of nature that makes existence possible. We can extend that further in that each of us represents a chain of miracles that add up to whom we are, and to have been created from the countless ancestors who have each contributed to the DNA sequence that makes us a unique individual being. The chances of an individual living long enough to become a parent is reasonably good in many societies today, but that has not always been the case. Throughout history the chances of not being killed by hunger, a predator or disease as a child has been greater than the chance of surviving. Added to this; as recently as Greek and Roman times unwanted children were simply killed or discarded to the “gods”. In some societies today it is not regarded as a crime to do away with children or those of whom we do not approve. Even in some so called civilised countries “honour killings” are still an accepted way of...

Prophetic Subtlety.

A major purpose of the Prophecyline Website is to establish the true nature of time partly by demonstrating that predicting the future is possible. It is only possible for this to occur if the universe exists in a unitary entity of spacetime as described by Einstein and Minkowski (also known as a block universe). In reading what many others have had to say about predictions it is amazing how many different interpretations there are of each prediction. No doubt the large number of fanciful notions and concepts that have been promoted has done more to turn people away from examining the possibilities than even the most avid atheist or any scientific hypothesis. Atheists have long promoted Darwin’s theory as proof that there is no Creator and that the Bible is little more than a collection of myths and legends. In modern Western Society it is probable that a majority of people hold this view, and consider the Bible as simply an ancient moral story rather than the actual word of a living h...

Palestine & Biblical Prophecy

There has been dispute over the Jewish homeland since Joseph brought his Father Jacob and his brothers with their families to Egypt. When the tribes had lived in Egypt for nearly three centuries and been enslaved Moses came on the scene to bring them back to the land that had been promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In order to claim the land back they had to evict the peoples who had occupied it during their time in Egypt. Eventually the descendants of Abraham were able to restore the land and take up residence and the nation of Israel began। It consisted of separate states for each tribe and eventually the people united under one king and when David became king he claimed Jerusalem as the capital city. The nation of Israel was a major force in the ancient world until many drifted away from the strict theocratic rule becoming secular and dividing the kingdom. Without a unifying belief the land fell to invaders one after another; tribes were separated and dispersed with only the tri...

Mysteries and Forces

There are only four forces by which atomic particles react one to another, these are the strong and weak nuclear forces, which only occur inside the nucleus of atoms. Gravity and electromagnetic force both of which are long range forces whose effects can be felt or detected at a great distance, but their strength declines as distance from the source increases. The entire universe is held together by these forces which are finely tuned to ensure that it does not simply fly apart or collapse instantly before any life could evolve. The more we discover about the nature of these forces and the way in which particles exist the more physicists and cosmologists raise the question as to whether there is an overseeing force that ensures this balance is maintained so that life can exist. This theory is called the “Anthropic Principle” and it suggests that the universe itself may be cognisant, aware of its own existence. This is remarkably similar to many religious concepts of a supreme being. In...

Clover blog

We have all heard of the traditional four leaf clover and how lucky you are to find one well here is a five leaf clover. Because it is different to all the other clovers that once surrounded it I noticed it and picked it just for being special. It occurred to me at the time that we might walk past a patch of clover and not even notice that one of them has four or even five leaves and is special. We sometimes do the same thing with people we do not notice how special they might be, not that they could have five leaves but they may be different to us in other ways that make them unique. In a world of turmoil and distrust we should all take a moment and reflect on this and think that although we are all different in some ways we all have needs that are similar we all need to feel safe and free from worry about the actions of others. To consider doing harm to another human being (no matter what your justification) is wrong. Once when our society believed in religion and reading the Bible ...

The End Time Debate.

Conjecture about an “end time” scenario has raged for many years, our early ancestors just accepted that it would come one day but as none of the predicted warning signs had occurred they could happily assume that it was well in the future. In the 1800s in America there began several new religions among them the Mormon and the Adventist movements. The Adventists were particularly concerned with the end time and examined various Biblical segments in an effort to predict when and how this end time would happen. It is their predictions that have greatly influenced modern thinking on this subject. A major sign of the coming of the end times was the prediction that the Jewish people would be returned to the Promised Land before Judgement Day. Jews had become scattered throughout the world and only small numbers remained in the region of Judea which had been under the control of different regimes such as the Ottoman Empire until WW1 and then the British following the Turkish defeat in that w...

Understanding Religion.

Despite Western apostasy and secularism religion has played a significant role in developing our society. Our laws were initially formulated from Judeo-Christian concepts advocated in the Bible. It was usual for our forefathers to read the Bible and know the statutes that originated there, but in recent years most people do not even read books and those who do are far more likely to read something that is totally opposed to scripture. In order to know society we need to understand its belief systems from atheism to Zoroasterism. In this brief essay I will try to outline a number of the well known belief systems in an effort to point out that while we may not agree with what someone believes it is not our place to judge and maybe by understanding his beliefs we can better understand and accept the individual. Some religions and cults forbid their adherents from accepting or dealing with those of another faith, but this is usually because they are afraid that they might lose followers to...

The Apostate Society.

Western society has become secular and in many countries we no longer have a majority of our citizens believing in religion. There are several questions we should address in relation to this, they are: 1. Why has this happened? 2. Has it affected our society for better for worse or has it made no difference. 3. Does it give us an advantage or leave us at a disadvantage when dealing with those who have a religious conviction. In all history there have been those who hoped that the scriptures and the religious teachers were wrong and that they would never be expected to account for their actions. It took science to begin to give them the courage to finally speak out. Science through men like Galileo and Newton showed that the Earth was not the centre of creation and that the universe functioned according to a set of mathematical principles like some sort of giant clockwork machine. It was Darwin who gave them the final authority to begin...

Abomination of Desolation.

In the Bible both Daniel and Matthew use the term abomination of desolation and many fanciful ideas have been put forward as to what this expression means. It has been talked about as being the Muslim Mosque (Al-Aqsa) attached to the dome of the rock or any number of actions or events. It appears that if one disagrees with something or wants to prove Biblical Prophecy in support of an agenda it is helpful to present a plausible explanation for the abomination and use it to support your concept. According to Daniel the prediction was one which was to be sealed until the “end of days” at which time it would be understood. There is little else mentioned at that time to indicate further just what this abomination might be. In the Book of Matthew a better prediction gives far more detail. Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 24:16 Then let them which be in Judea...

The war with Islam.

What’s this a war with Islam? When will this happen? The bad news is that it has been happening for centuries but we infidels have been too dumb to realise. This does not mean that we should consider Muslims as bad or dangerous many are not, but we can see in many places how the moderates are oppressed by the more radical. In Israel for example a Muslim who sells land to a non-Muslim can expect to be killed, in this way the land is kept in Muslim hands and the prices are kept depressed as Jewish settlers would pay more for land than Arabs and even though many would be happy to sell and become rich they are not permitted to do so. This violent oppression means that moderate Muslims are afraid to speak against the radicals and terrorists. The earliest indication of dispute can be seen in the Muslim attitude to The Golden Gate, as it is called in Christian literature, the oldest of the current gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls. Jews used to pray for mercy at the gate, hence the nam...

Western Lethargy

Previous blogs on this site have looked at the “end of days” theories, myths and legends and the responsibility of those who can provide warnings to do so. We now turn our attention to some political matters that are coming to a head and will have resounding repercussions worldwide. In this blog we consider Western inaction in the face of supreme provocation. This is not a recent trait but has been part of western culture, for many years. Some prime examples can be seen in reactions to provocations that have forced the USA to give up its neutrality and join in major conflicts. World War 1 began in 1914 but the USA did not become involved until April 6th 1917, after continued German attacks on Western shipping including American passenger liners. World War 2 began in 1939 but the USA did not join the fray until December 6th 1941 after Japanese bombers attacked Pearl Harbour. It has not only been wars that have shown this Western procrastination and inability to commence, in the space ra...