The Dunning Kruger Effect

The Dunning Kruger effect is an established pattern whereby it has been confirmed that the less someone actually knows about a subject the more likely they are to believe that their invariably false view is infallible.

It is the driving concept behind such strange beliefs as the Earth is flat, the Moon Landings were faked, Jet exhausts are actually chemtrails where government authorities are pumping deadly chemicals into the atmosphere to kill people. The most insidious and misguided of these pseudo-science beliefs is that we are facing a deadly climate crisis and unless we get to zero carbon life on Earth will become extinct.

Even after forty years of false claims and failed predictions the belief still has hold of many, particularly the young who have seen so little they cannot judge for themselves. Education or more rightly indoctrination has led many to believe that an increase of one degree Celsius in the next one hundred years would be catastrophic. Despite claims that the polar ice caps would be gone by 2012, and countless low-lying lands would be underwater by 2,000, nothing has happened.  Australia was warned of permanent drought conditions and that even the rain which fell could not fill the dams. The opposite happened and many places were flooded.

There are several things that need to be learned about climate, the first and most important is that climate is not linear it is cyclical, some cycles are much longer than others, but the Earth goes though periods of both warming and cooling. A change of one degree will make no difference, if you get up one frosty morning and the temperature is only minus three instead of minus four it will make no difference. If the hottest day is forty-four Celsius instead of forty-three it will make no difference.

Most importantly we must learn that carbon is not pollution it is an essential part of life on Earth. We are made up of long chain carbon molecules and every thing we ingest is made of carbon, except for salt and water. Carbon Dioxide makes up only 0.03% of the atmosphere, it is currently higher than in the recent past but has been historically far higher, including during ice ages it is not the main driver of climate and we need to accept that if we are to provide food for all the people on Earth, we need a relatively higher amount of CO2. While our industrial activity increases CO2 so too do volcanoes, after the Tonga volcano erupted in January 2022, carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations near the volcano soared to around 414 parts per million (ppm), according to researchers. Compared with estimated 412 ppm had the volcano not erupted, the increased 2ppm equalled a whole year's CO2 emission on earth. (Source; Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS))

In the last 200 years the number of erupting volcanoes has increased significantly, in 1800 the average was 20 eruptions per year, 2022 saw over 80 eruptions, the Earth is currently in an active geological state, which is also contributing to increased CO2, but is no reason to panic or believe that life on Earth is doomed.

Switching to using renewables is a very good idea but we are using the most expensive, unreliable, and short-term wind and solar, all made overseas and doomed to wind up in landfill within thirty years. A more efficient turbine was developed in 1922, it is the Savonius Rotor, which was based on a design used over 3,000 years ago in Persia, there are still rotors being used to pump water in Iran and some are believed to be up to 900 years old, our fiberglass and steel turbines from China will be in landfill in less than a fraction of that time. An all steel Savonius Rotor can also be recycled, an advantage over disposables.

The drive to electric vehicles is just as short-sighted, we have spent decades removing lead and mercury from the environment and now we are replacing them with cadmium and lithium at an incredible pace. As long ago as 1941 Henry Ford produced a car made from hemp resin and run on hemp oil, a totally recyclable vehicle, but big oil and steel did not want to see their profits going to farmers. Biofuels and hydrogen are better solutions than electric cars which have a propensity for bursting into flame due to lithium, which spontaneously combusts if exposed to oxygen.

Our best methods of producing reliable economic power for a growing nation is firstly to stop using expensive imported solar and wind equipment which needs replacing in a very short period of time. A number of vertical rotor turbines such as the Savonius model have better output and are more reliable. Consideration must be given to nuclear power as one kilogram of uranium produces as much energy as three thousand tons of coal. There are new developments that enable depleted nuclear fuels to be put to new uses, such as nuclear batteries.

In Australia we should revive the plan that was mooted to be our next project on completion of the original Snowy Mountains Scheme, which was to be a channel from Lake Eyre to Spencer Gulf. This would ensure that the lake never dried up and the tidal flow in the channel would enable the reliable generation of electricity. The added benefit would be improved rainfall for inland NSW and Queensland, permanent water would encourage fishing industries on Lake Eyre, and we could even import some sturgeon from the Black Sea, protecting this endangered species and eventually developing our own caviar industry.

The climate cult has so distorted the facts and driven people into a form of paranoia over concern for the future, which is not in danger from climate change. Our biggest dangers are the destruction of the economy which will lead to food shortages, job losses, insufficient housing and eventually the sort of riots that are already happening in Europe as people become more desperate every day. The spectre of war also hangs over the whole world as incompetent leaders in many countries, demonstrate their own Dunning Kruger paradigm and obsess over zero carbon, and fight against nationalism and freedom. Promoting woke beliefs and lifestyles designed to breakdown the family unit.



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