Why geological activity is increasing?


In a previous blog I discussed the increased volcanic activity being experienced on Earth and its effect on climate, I would now like to point to a very good reason that it is happening now. The graph included in this blog is the one I used to portray how volcanic activity may be linked to increased CO2 in the atmosphere, I have used this graph, because I trust the Smithsonian Institute. It shows that in 1800 Earth averaged 20 volcanic eruptions per year, but the number has increased steadily for over 200 years. Now in 2022 we are off the chart as we have now exceeded 80 eruptions for the year.

The obvious question is now why have volcanic eruptions increased by so many and why did it start from 1800 and then seem to accelerate? It is hard to see how industry, automobiles, farming, or other physical activity could be responsible. The increased activity began well before the nuclear age or space travel so we can confidently rule out those.

The 2022 Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to three physicists who expanded on Bell’s Theorem, also referred to as Bell’s Inequality, a fascinating evaluation of quantum behaviour. The result of this further research has led many to suggest that quantum behaviour shows that the universe does not exist. Others have concluded that the universe is just a hologram, nothing is real. If quantum behaviour implies that the universe only exists in our imagination could our thoughts and behaviour be affecting reality?

In my 2006 book, Physics, God and the End of the World I discussed Bell’s Inequality among other physical phenomena, of course many physicists were a little nervous about supporting a work that concluded a Supreme Being actually had a hand in nature. It is still true today which is why we cannot understand all that is currently happening, and some scientists are even proposing that the universe may have been made in a laboratory by aliens. This conclusion is obviously more radical than an all-powerful Creator, but to many is a more acceptable concept.

My original hypothesis first published in 1989 was titled after Einstein’s comment that, “Time is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” I proposed that because the universe is expanding its gravitational field must be weakening and this results in time accelerating, to the point that all time occurs in a single instant. There is no past or present and there is no place in history or in space that is impossible to physically visit. The late Professor Stephen Hawking wrote at the same time of “Arrows of Time” and that time travel was impossible.

I wrote to the professor and sent him some calculations of my work, I received a reply from his secretary that he was too ill to write himself but would examine my hypothesis, he was obviously swayed by my conclusion because in 1995 he reversed his position and asked the then British PM to fund research into time travel. Once I was satisfied that someone else agreed with my calculations and assessment, I produced a YouTube Video explaining in simplified terms how all time can occur in a single instant.

Obviously if time is different to what we believe it to be, so too must be space. The spacetime continuum is far more complicated than we have heretofore suspected. In fact, recently there has been plethora of papers and publications suggesting that the universe is intelligent, partly because it has a structure that is similar to a large neural network. A cognitive universe would fit the criteria of a Supreme Being linking all matter and energy including the consciousness of every human being.

If the entire universe is aware, it is time to return to the question, could our thoughts and behaviour be affecting reality? The answer now is very apparent that it must be yes, but why did it start at around 1800? That period was the beginning of what we arrogantly call “the age of enlightenment”. Philosophers and scientists at that time decided that the universe was just a great big machine it was all accidental, even life. This view was reinforced by Darwin who said that all life arose from pond scum and then later by Marx insisting that religion was just superstition and the “opiate of the masses”. The view of these philosophers and politicians has persisted and been embraced by two thirds of the population.

The view of Hitler that conscience and moral standards were just Jewish inventions and a blight on society has been accepted by the majority, who now believe the same thing. The one third who do not adhere to this view are mainly Evangelical Christians, Observant Jews, and Muslims, who all believe in and observe the Ten Commandments. Islamists believe that the laws don’t apply to infidels who can be treated as Muslims wish. The ratio of religious observant who observe the Biblical law is the same ratio as the Bible predicts will be saved in the final cataclysm.

The result of all this is that the majority who now embrace sexual deviance and homosexual marriage, accept the killing of unborn babies and euthanasia for the sick or elderly are contributing to a society that has disturbed the balance of nature and the wholesome nature of a cognisant universe. This disturbance is being manifested in earthquakes, volcanic activity and will eventually lead to violent upheavals and tsunamis that will devastate the world and destroy two thirds of humanity, probably with help from global thermo-nuclear war. I have very sound reasons to believe that the violent upheavals will lead to a change in the rotation of the Earth so that a day will last eighteen hours instead of twenty-four.

The Almighty offered two choices a blessing or a curse, life, or death, it appears that the majority of the World’s population have chosen the curse, but it is still not too late to repent, study and pray for salvation. Even though through my ancestors I am a Jew, a descendant of Jacob and a member of the tribe I believe that sons of Abraham among the Arabs are also among the chosen, but they must not have broken the commandments, which unfortunately, like many Christians and Jews, most have not bothered to learn. Many of the lost tribes of Israel are among the Christians, but if you regard Jesus as your king, you should be counted among the Jews as Jesus was proclaimed king of the Jews. There is nothing in the words of Jesus that is not compatible with the laws of the Bible.

The few who are remaining true to Biblical teaching are promised redemption but those who oppose are going to realise too late. It is impossible to deny that there are serious changes happening in the world but those who regard it all as myth and superstition will never be convinced and will remain in denial until the final conflagration takes them away. The statistics support the view that so many events are occurring that are exactly as predicted by Biblical prophets, and some in the Gospel, The accuracy of predictions by Timothy caught me by surprise and even though I wrote on the nature of time accept that the visions are accurate.

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