Convenient Omissions
This report contains information previously published by Breitbart,
Euronews and New York Times.
The first
climate conference was held in 1979 in the conference centre in Geneva, the idea
that the planet was warming came shortly after the cooling period experienced
in the 1970’s. It was logical that the planet should warm again after a cool
period, but this was ignored in looking for causes and the warming was
immediately blamed on CO2 and human activity. Even though Earth has
historically had much higher levels of CO2, even during an ice age.
In 1999 Michael
Mann presented the “Hockey stick Graph” showing global warming was going to
continue to grow until the Earth was uninhabitable. Many predictions were made
by warming enthusiasts, such as the Earth’s ice caps would be gone by 2012,
Pacific Islands would be submerged under rising seas, and crops would fail
everywhere. The climate enthusiasts labelled anyone who questioned their
reasoning “climate deniers” and supressed any dissenting view, they were even
caught out, circulating emails to urge others to attack questioning scientists.
Needless to say,
none of these predictions have eventuated, the poles are still covered in ice
and snow, some of the Islands have actually grown in size, and tidal charts
show no increase in sea level. The crops that were doomed to fail have
continued to grow with many places recording bumper crops, that may not continue
for long but that is due to government bans on the fossil fuels needed to plant
and harvest crops and to manufacture fertilizer.
The main reason
the predictions have been so wrong is that climate is never linear it is
cyclical and has been for billions of years, it warms but then it cools again.
The Earth started cooling in 2019 but the fact was ignored, our sun is a
variable star and goes through warm and cool periods. No doubt once the current
solar minimum ends the Earth will again begin to warm, undoubtedly to the
delight of the global warming doomsayers. A further piece of evidence that was
ignored was that global warming was also detected on both Mars and Jupiter,
indicating that it is the sun that drives our climate and the climate of all
the planets in the solar system. Astrophysicists who pointed this out were
given no media coverage and ignored by politicians who could see the
opportunity to raise more taxes and researchers and teachers who could see
extra funding for raising fears.
such as permanent drought for Australia has seen governments spend enormous
amount on desalination plants that have never been used. The rains returned
with a vengeance and caused floods almost as bad as those that followed the
heatwaves of the late 1800’s. The biggest problem we are likely to face is not
the financial waste trying to produce a carbon free environment, or the lost
agricultural production but the emotional damage done to the young by the
constant fear mongering and claims of doom and gloom.
A recent survey commissioned and published
by Euronews which polled 1,000 children born between 2010 and 2015 on their
views regarding the environment found that a total of 71 per cent of
respondents were now worried about environmental changes, including the
changing climate. The survey is one of the latest
examples of so-called eco-anxiety extreme worry in relation to the changing
climate or dangers to the environment affecting children at a time when
educational systems are focusing more and more on ongoing issues to do with
emissions and potential catastrophic rise of sea levels.
For those on the political left, in particular, eco-anxiety
appears to be a growing variable, with the European Union even running courses for its workers in the hopes of helping them to deal with
the stress brought about by their climate beliefs. A study published earlier this year found that a significant
number of children now also appear to be experiencing “a variety of emotions
such as anger, sadness, guilt, and hopelessness that characterize eco-anxiety”,
though noted that more research into the phenomenon’s impact on children in particular
needed to be done.
Such anxiety comes at a time when many young people are already
experiencing major mental health difficulties for a wide variety of reasons,
with some experts even suspecting that the on-and-off worldwide COVID lockdowns
have had a seriously detrimental effect on the well-being of children. “Kids
have the highest level of anxiety I’ve ever seen: anxiety about basic safety
and fear of what could happen,” one Colorado school councillor told a New York Times investigation earlier this year.
Others remarked that their students had ended up “frozen, socially
and emotionally, at the age they were when the pandemic started,” seemingly as
a result of lockdown-related isolation. Meanwhile, the CDC has reported that 44
per cent of American teenagers reported themselves as experiencing “persistent
feelings of sadness or hopelessness,”. 20 per cent said that they had
contemplated suicide, with 9 per cent saying that they had attempted suicide at
least once during 2020.
More recent data has shown that
teenage girls in the UK are also in the midst of a mental health epidemic, with
54 per cent of 16 and 17-year-olds being reported as experiencing “elevated psychological distress” over the
last twelve months. Nearly one quarter meanwhile said that they had self-harmed
within the past year, while 11 per cent reported having attempted suicide. It
seems that the greatest damage may be to the mental health of young people who
have been bombarded with fear and used as pawns in the effort to promote the
aims of the climate cult.
The big omission the climate cultists made was to ignore the original source of Earth’s CO2, early Earth had insufficient carbon dioxide to support carbon-based life forms such as every living thing that inhabits the face of the planet today. Fortunately, our volcanoes came to the recue and erupted pumping great volumes of CO2 into the atmosphere and made the planet capable of supporting life as we know it. A carbon free planet will also be free of all plants and animals, including humans. In the last 200 years volcanic activity has increased dramatically, these eruptions are also putting further CO2 into the atmosphere. In fact, a chart of volcanic activity released by the Smithsonian Institute shows a remarkable correlation to the increase in the levels of CO2 recorded in recent years.
Despite the knowledge that volcanoes are a major source of CO2 this was totally ignored in favour of blaming human activity and oppressing populations to promote green ideals. While the average working person is being forced to pay higher prices for gas, electricity and food, global elites are collecting huge sums from investments and from subsidies to develop green technology.
The 2022 climate conference was
the 27th meeting where global elites flew from all corners of the
world, many in private jets, to discuss ways to cut carbon emissions. They
could have cut them a whole lot more by just staying home. Although there have
been 27 conferences and many countries have replaced electricity generation
with unreliable wind and solar as well as many petrol vehicles being replaced by
electric vehicles the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continues to rise.
It is time to rethink the whole situation and develop a proper plan to manage
to live with and in our changing world.
Volcanic activity 200 years ago
saw an average of 20 eruptions per year, 2022 has had 80 eruptions from 78
volcanoes, before the end of November. There may be a reason for this geological
instability which I hope to be able to cover in a future blog.
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