The Pandemic Fraud
The west is
reeling under restrictions, mandated masks, compulsory vaccinations and in some
places like Victoria, Australia never ending lockdowns and even unjustified
curfews. Restrictions are keeping people locked in their homes twenty-three
hours a day, they would have more freedom in prison. I hate to say it, but I
did warn in a blog early this year that I could see no improvement over 2020
coming anytime soon, but I underestimated how much worse it would become.
When protests
arose firstly for BLM and Antifa the police took a knee in support but when the
people rose up to protest being imprisoned in their own homes, the police
attitude changed as they enforced draconian laws by governments aiming to
suppress the population. In the whole history of just and civilised societies
we have never quarantined or imprisoned innocent and healthy citizens, that is
the action of dictators and despots.
Marxist governments have been steadily gaining control over society for years,
the warnings of the Communist plan were read into
the records of the Congress of the USA as early as 1963 and people would be
well advised to use the link above to look up this information and realise just
what the communist takeover has achieved. It has involved removing religion
because the Judeo/Christian concept of law and freedom began when Moses led the
children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt; communism cannot abide a religion
that involves freedom.
To further the
separation of people from religious norms it has been necessary to convince the
population that good is evil and evil is good, and that there is no basis for
religion that the Bible is a collection of baseless myths. People today are
educated to think that seeing a difference between men and women is wrong and
to believe that there are now about forty variations of gender. Homosexuality
is therefore good and desirable, despite over two thirds of the nation’s children
being raised in a home with a Mother and a Father and almost all of the other one
third being raised in blended or single parent families. The narrative is not
dependent on fact because it is promoted by a leftist complicit press that
convinces the people not to believe their eyes or investigate the truth.
The distortion
is further compounded by an education system which is designed to produce a
population of poorly motivated and poorly educated graduates happy to exist on
a diet of “Reality” TV and sport. Meanwhile countries like China and Russia are
pushing their students to study maths and science to be able to rule the world
as the only people with skills.
In recent years
the left has been trying to frighten the west into giving up all manufacturing
and becoming a subsistence farming economy dependent on government support for
existence. It commenced with cries of “global warming”, while the “developing
nations” of the third world took over all manufacturing. When the dire
predictions of melting ice caps and nations disappearing under rising seas did
not occur and the rising temperatures began to fall the call became “climate
change” and rising CO2 levels will kill us all. Despite the press
maintaining the fallacy of “settled science” and carbon will kill us all in ten
years an increasing number of scientists are calling out for some common sense.
Climate is not linear it is cyclical, the major cycles run over periods of
about forty thousand years, and ice ages kill more people than heat waves. If
that was not a fact the most populous places on Earth would not be in the
tropical zones. They also ignore the fact that carbon is not
pollution it is the basic building block of
all life on planet Earth.
The failure of
climate disaster to bring about the emergencies that would necessitate the extreme
measures needed to enable the despots to enforce their will, despite destroying
so many of the industries that made the west the most successful civilisation of
all time, the release of a pandemic became a stroke of luck for the leftists.
They first used it to attack President Trump for racism and xenophobia when he
tried to quarantine travel from China and then when the infections increased,
they claimed he had failed to act in time to prevent the spread. The press who
had driven the anti-Trump rhetoric revelled in directing blame.
When President
Trump suggested that some anti-viral medications showed promise and had read
reports that hydroxychloroquine showed promise he was derided, and the
treatment was banned. The use of Ivermectin which also showed promise was also
derided and labelled as “horse medicine” by the press, despite the fact that
the developer had been awarded the Nobel Prize for its development as a treatment
for parasites in humans and that refugees from some parts of Africa must be
treated with Ivermectin before they can enter the USA.
The efficacy of
Ivermectin has recently been proved in the Indian state
of Uttar Pradesh (population 241 million) and where they had reached over three
million infections. The introduction of an Ivermectin regimen saw the
infections fall from three million to zero in only five weeks, the state has
now been declared Covid free and the Indian government has introduced a home
Ivermectin treatment kit. This information cannot be shared on most platforms as it is censored.
In Australia
where jackbooted police open fire on protesters, spray them with pepper spray and
beat them in a manner worthy of government oppressors in any third world
country, it makes me wonder what has happened to the once lucky country. It
also reminds me how far western society has fallen in Australia. Many years ago,
an old police inspector told me about his graduation from the police academy in
Melbourne, the graduates were addressed by the then commissioner who ended his
speech of congratulations by asking the graduates to show him their stockwhips.
The graduates looked at each other in surprise at which the commissioner replied,
“It appears none of you have been issued with stockwhips, so make sure you
don’t act as if you have.” Seeing police in action today I realise they still
don’t have stockwhips but are equipped with weapons that would be the envy of
slave drivers anywhere.
It is my
opinion that this vast change in our society can be attributed to one change in
society; the removal of religion and the Biblical standard of behaviour. Love
your fellow man and always act with truth, justice, kindness, and mercy but
above all obey the ten commandments. The Almighty issued 613 laws through Moses
but thought ten of them were so important he spoke the words himself. We were
warned that these laws are the laws of life to ignore them will bring certain
death and unfortunately, we are headed straight to that end. Not through
climate change the pandemic or other means but through global
thermo-nuclear war which is forming because of our
inability to act according to the Biblical law, respected by our ancestors and
that made us a successful society.
The first step
to returning to peace, prosperity and stability is to say to all those leaders insisting
on oppressive mask and vaccine mandates and locking people in their homes to
listen to the words spoken by Moses 3,334 years ago when he told Pharaoh, “Thus
said the Lord; LET MY PEOPLE GO!” To do other than this is to bring about
forget to see my books, comment below
or share links with your friends, additionally I also suggest that you click here for a book that provides great insight into faith and our future.
Despite the coming trials and tribulation there is a way forward.