A World of Lies


Governments, big business, vested interests and their faithful servants the media continually bombard the public with a never-ending stream of crises. This is not a new phenomenon all leaders and governments have used crises and violence to enforce their will on populations since man first lived in tribes. Once disobedience would see you thrown to the lions, burned in the furnace at the stake, or crucified, there was also the ever-present threat of war. Stick together and obey the king and fight for him or the neighbours will invade take your lands and kill you.

In these days of mutual assured destruction no one wants to attack because nobody will survive so the control has become more subtle and more insidious. In the 1970’s there was a lot of press given to the possibility of a new ice age but, of course that did not eventuate and so the cessation of freezing became global warming caused by human production of carbon dioxide. The projections showing the warming trend ignored the fact that climate is cyclical and produced graphs showing temperature as linear but increasing exponentially. When the polar ice caps failed to disappear in 2007 as predicted Global Warming became Climate Change.

Even though several climate conferences have been cancelled due to venues being snowed under the media is still claiming warming as a fact and insisting that carbon is pollution, and the cause. An Economic Forum is planned for 2021 and is already being pushed as “building back better” and several other slogans urging the world’s citizens to accept major changes to world trade and control. The Economic Forum is planning a "Global Reset" to combat climate change and bring about a new world order of global socialism. No private property or ownership, they claim that “you will own nothing, but you will be happy.”

Some of us might laugh at that today but when we look at how the communist agenda has changed the world in the last fifty years under the guise of equality and fairness we realise that this reset is probably going to gain a lot of support. The first aims of the communists were to take control of education, the press, and the bureaucracy, which they seem to have done successfully. Obliterate history and pride in the nation and remove religious belief and the belief in freedom and personal rights to own property. The next aim was to remove the Bible and religion and to make all types of sexual deviance acceptable and remove traditional roles of men and women. This has been welcomed by many with same sex marriage and all types of new invented gender roles now recognised.

It is considered hate speech to state scientific fact such as, “genetically you can have XX or XY chromosomes and there are no other sexual variations.” Insisting on just male and female and saying homosexuality is a sin can be punishable by fines or legal redress as a hate crime. In other words, just as George Orwell’s “1984”, predicted in a time of lies the truth has become a crime.

The socialist press has reserved some of the most blatant lies for use against politicians of whom they disprove. Australia’s Tony Abbott was denigrated by the press as has been USA’s President Trump. It is not that the press originates the lies but that they promulgate them with such enthusiasm. The Russia Collusion hoax was created by leaking a fake document in the news and then using the news reports to substantiate an investigation. The Presidents handling of the corona virus has also been attacked, when he restricted travel from China, he was labelled xenophobic and opponents encouraged followers to visit Chinatown to prove there was no problem. Immediately the virus became a problem the president was accused of not acting to control it.

Meanwhile in Victoria, Australia; the leftist Premier Daniel Andrews is given an almost free pass on his mismanagement of the virus and quarantine. While each of the other states accepted help from the Australian Army to control quarantine the Andrews’ Government spent $30 Million on private security and the virus was not controlled. The result has been that of Australia’s 907 deaths attributed to the virus 817 or 90.1% have occurred in Victoria. Victorians have faced the world’s toughest restrictions with people confined to their homes 23 hours a day, a 5 Km travel limit, a curfew every night and mandatory masks.

Recent research has shown that masks are not effective and that 85% of people who tested positive have claimed they always or almost always wear a mask. A recent outbreak in South Australia was claimed to have been spread from a pizza box, but this also turned out to be a lie but was believed because the virus is known to spread by touch, masks cannot prevent a virus spread by touch.

Despite the lies about choosing to be whatever gender you wish, how good politicians are really evil, global warming will kill us all and a virus which has a survival rate over 99% and most people need a test to discover they have it requires lockdowns and masks the biggest lie of all is soon to be revealed as a lie. The biggest lie is that there is no God, and the Bible is just mythology. What only Bible scholars know, and the rest of humanity ignores is that the Bible is seventy percent prophecy and a large number of these have been fulfilled most in recent times. The probability is that the final redemption that commonly called end of days will occur in the next year. Many scholars agree probably before Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) on September 7th, 2021. It is this denial of God and the Bible that has empowered the liars of the world to think they can speak falsehood without consequence.

Based on many recent events it appears that 2021 is going to be a bigger shock than 2020 to most people. Due to COVID-19 concerns the Economic Forum was moved to May 2021. The Olympic Games are scheduled to start late July 2021 and I believe they will go ahead even if other problems arise. There is likely to be a war and although the war will only last about two weeks it will be devastating with widespread destruction and a horrendous death toll. August and September will see events prophesied in the Bible, but which people do not believe will ever happen. Earthquakes, volcanoes, asteroid strikes, the Earth shaken as never before and a change in the period of rotation of the Earth. Iran and Turkey are already planning their invasion of Israel, but religious Jews are not overly concerned because this was foretold and Israel has been assured victory, not by force of arms but by the will of God.

It has been prophesied that there is corruption in high places (as if we did not know) but that all will be revealed, all the hidden things will be known. Two thirds of the world will perish but one third will survive. Do not abuse people for being “religious nuts” you might just come to regret it if they are proved correct.


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