Changing paradigms
When I began school we
were still being taught that the universe was infinite and static, a view that
had persisted since the days of Aristotle, but today we know that concept was
wrong and that the real structure is more like the Biblical view; the universe
had a beginning. There is a reluctance to embrace the Biblical view because
that says not only was there a beginning there will be an end. Science
continually changes and modifies its paradigm as new discoveries are made, once
even the concept of meteors was considered ludicrous, the French Academy of
Science having ruled that, “rocks do not fall from the sky”.
Today some scientists
are investigating the possibility of psychic phenomena while others still claim
it is impossible, despite advances made in quantum physics and what Einstein
called, “Spooky at a distance action” there is a reluctance to accept what
could imply a spiritual influence. In 1989 my book “The Time Illusion” was
published presenting a view that was different to the mainstream view of
“arrows of time” and a one way flow of time. Having experienced precognitive
and premonitory events from a young age I knew that our understanding of time
must be flawed; if I was able to perceive events before they occurred there
must be an explanation.
The obvious conclusion
was that spacetime must contain all time past, present and future in a single
continuum. A conclusion with which some well known scientists have now agreed,
we only experience a flow of time due to entropy. Things have a tendency to run
down wear out or dissipate we call this entropy as we observe things moving
from order to chaos and apparently never going the other way. The universe does
however contain all that ever was and all that ever will be, we perceive change
because we build memories sequentially and we can only see our current moment
in time at any one instant. The expansion of the universe since the Big Bang is
a symptom of entropy and creates the structure that establishes the appearance
of dark matter and dark energy, an explanation of these is given in my book “Physics
God and the end of the World”.
I called my 1989 book “The Time Illusion” because that
is what the passage of time is; an illusion. I have since written other books
and made videos to explain why we perceive time as we do but primarily it is
because time accelerates, each second in time is actually a tiny fraction
smaller than the second that preceded it. This acceleration of time is caused
by the expansion of the universe because as the universe increases in size its
density and therefore its total gravitational field reduces. Gravity as we
know, from Einstein and from clocks on satellites, affects the rate at which
time passes. This can also explain dark matter, dark energy and several other
anomalies that I explained fully in my book “Physics
God and the End of the World”.
The main purpose of all
my books has been to inform people of how and why I know that there are some
extraordinary events in our very near future. There can be little doubt that a
major war is developing and it seems to be occurring as predicted by Biblical
prophets. The internet is swamped with stories of an impending asteroid
collision which may be due to the prophecy of Daniel who predicted a “rock from
Heaven” that would smash the final empire, but also with ancient legends of a
rogue planet on a collision course with the Earth. The prophecy in Daniel
attracts a lot of attention because it has proved so accurate, the statue with
a head of gold and subsequent less valuable metals has identified the succession
of empires that have arisen since Daniel’s time, and who could deny that the
description of an empire of iron and clay that cannot unite is an accurate
description of our current society.
We each have our own
view of what is likely to happen and many interpretations are quite fanciful.
My own impression is that we will see a major change in the period of rotation
of the Earth and a day will only be sixteen hours long instead of twenty-four.
All of the predicted events will happen in a very short space of time or as the
Bible suggests, “come in a flood”. The biggest concern of course is the one
that says two thirds will perish and in all the land only one third will be
saved, we can only hope and pray that we will be among the third God chooses to
save. Ancient teachings warn that the world can be destroyed in an hour and
rebuilt in six days; it will be interesting to see the validity of this claim.
The global warming
theory and mankind destroying the world scenario is fast losing support, apart
from in main stream media which depends on the sponsorship of these interest
groups. It is difficult for the public to take it seriously when the poles were
predicted to be ice free by 2013 and coastal cities were doomed to be
submerged, the inaccuracy of predictions and recent unusually cold weather have
shown the concept to be seriously flawed. Even though this concept is flawed it
does not mean that the world is not doomed, my next blog will give a list of
examples of prophecies that have eventuated as a guide to the likelihood of
other events occurring.
The real danger facing
the world is the fact that we have ignored the commandments of the Creator, not
that we have generated too much carbon. It is not global warming that will
destroy the world but man’s violence and hatred. The ancient prophecies warn
that the world will be destroyed by the actions of its inhabitants, a concept
that would have been impossible less than a century ago but is today not only
possible but probable.