Final Days
People who both read
the Bible and watch the news are amazed and concerned; there can be little
doubt that many of the events that make up today’s headlines are the fulfilment
of Biblical prophecies. There are a plethora of religious sites that list and
compare many of these events and an internet search will reveal thousands of
predictions relevant to almost every headline. Much of the world does not know
enough about the Bible or religion, and regards those who believe as possibly a
little strange or simply misguided by ancient superstitions. The actions of the
United Nations against Israel and the animosity of so many against Jews and
Israel is in fact a Biblical prophecy.
Biblical prophecies
warn that in the “Final Days” every hand will be against Israel and that
Jerusalem will be a stumbling block and a burden for the nations. Recent
actions particularly from the Muslim world and European nations clearly
indicate that these prophecies are being fulfilled and can leave little doubt
that we are experiencing the final days. The prophecies also warn that the end
will come “as a flood” or many events very quickly and the end will be sudden; changing
both the Earth and its inhabitants in an instant.
Many have little doubt
that we are approaching a time of trouble such as has never been seen; ancient
writings suggest that people alive in the final days are to be both pitied and
envied. We are about to see miracles as in the days of Noah and Moses, but the
Creator did not make the world and man just to be destroyed and although many
will perish; as Jacob’s son Joseph said. “And God sent me before you to save
you a remnant on the Earth and to save you alive for a great
deliverance.” Genesis 45:7
It appears that the
predicted deliverance is about to arrive any day and despite studying scripture
and the writings of many I admit that I am still uncertain about how and when
events will unfold; I also believe that the more certain one claims to be about
the arrival of Biblical events the more likely they are to be wrong. I have no
problem with prophecies because I experience both precognitive and premonitory
events where I either “see” or simply “know” things before they happen;
unfortunately I have no control over what or when I will see. That control
could have made me very wealthy but it would have distracted me from studying
the physics of how prophecy is actually possible. I would no doubt not have
bothered to write the books
I have written (and listed on my website)
if I was busy creating wealth just for wealth’s sake.
In my youth had little
real interest in religion preferring sport, business, hunting, fishing and
prospecting for gold. I did fit in some study to learn what I needed to earn a
living and to try and ascertain why I would have dreams or visions that should
not have been possible if our understanding of the universe was accurate.
Shortly after WWII as a small child I contracted pneumonia which left me
asthmatic; it was this that eventually led me to a true spiritual awakening. A
respiratory arrest and what I refuse to call a “near death experience” because
I was dead, gone and facing my maker; but was sent back.
Although the experience
opened my eyes to a wider reality it did not fill in the blanks; that has taken
study, and I have been surprised to find that an amazing amount of information
is now available. It does take careful consideration and examination because
many present what are often very fanciful ideas with no relevance to scripture
or fact, but people read something and create their own erroneous vision. We
can only be certain by reading the Bible for ourselves and thinking on what it
really says but there are also some very good study guides available.
We certainly live in
very exciting and frightening times, alerted by prophecy that when the time
comes two thirds of those on Earth will perish but those who are redeemed will
be brought to a wonderful new life. The things that we are advised will save us
are kindness, justice, righteous and mercy; we are warned that “as ye sew so ye
reap”, or in the words of Jesus, “As you do to the least of my brethren so too
you do unto me”. No one can expect salvation if he harms others; lies, cheats,
steals murders or does any of those acts forbidden in scripture. We are also
assured that those who will be saved are those who call on the Almighty who will
answer, just as in the days of Moses those who marked their door with the blood
of the lamb were saved so too will it be again. Ignore the word and perish,
laugh and deride but remember that the consensus has been severely wrong
recently for example the vote for Britain to leave Europe could never pass,
Donald Trump could never be elected president of the USA but surprises await
the unprepared.
Scripture is full of
parables and warnings don’t be like Esau who sold his heritage for a bowl of
pottage, or the sons of Jacob who condemned Israel to four hundred years of
slavery by selling their brother Joseph into bondage in Egypt. The offer of
redemption and salvation is in scripture ignore at your peril. Society today
has given way to political correctness and those who follow the Bible are
accused of all types of bigotry, but the real bigotry comes from those who deny
scripture and condone violence and sexual deviance as acceptable behaviour.