Time Travel Is Possible
In previous blogs I
have covered many subjects including science, religion, history and my books
have covered even more topics. In this treatise I hope to explain briefly in
plain language the structure I have described in my books and papers on the
nature of time and the structure of the universe that allows for time travel
and prophecy; it includes a time dimension that includes past present and
Recent discoveries
that cast doubt on the existence of dark matter and dark energy support the
concept I first published in 1989. The reason the change in the scientific
paradigm supports my theory is that if these two forces, which make up most of
the universe, don’t exist then there must be another explanation. My
explanation is that time accelerates; each moment in time is fractionally
smaller than the moment that preceded it.
Why should time
accelerate? We have managed to find evidence that the universe did have a
beginning and that it has expanded continually since the first moment of
creation; and as Einstein explained and satellites have confirmed time is
affected by gravity; we live in an expanding universe and as it expands its
density decreases. Newton showed how a gravitational field is equal to the
gravitational constant multiplied by the masses and inversely proportional to
the square of the distance. This simply means that as we move away from an
object its gravitational field weakens and it weakens twice as fast as the
distance increases, the expansion of the universe causes its gravitational
field to diminish and so time accelerates.
Because quanta only
react in discrete packages of energy the past can still exist all around us but
we are totally unaware of it because the atoms that make up our current
existence cannot react with the past. The future is also happening at the same
instant but we will be unaware of it until our moment in time has accelerated
to the same rate as that accelerated moment; I published a YouTube
video some years ago explaining this principle.
We can now establish
why that creates the illusion of dark matter and dark energy. When we look at
distant galaxies we are actually looking back in time because the light has
taken many years to reach us, sometimes millions of years. We are looking at an
older denser universe with a stronger gravitational field than we experience
today so it appears to have much more matter than we can see. Dark energy is
also an illusion created by weakening gravity and accelerating time. Because
the moments of time (seconds) with which we measure the expansion are becoming
smaller it creates the impression that the expansion is continually increasing.
We live in a universe
in which all time occurs in a single moment, it is therefore logical that if we
were able to change the acceleration of atomic structure to equal that of a
moment in the past or future we would immediately be transported to that
moment. It appears that some people are able to view or be aware of these
moments from the past or future giving them glimpses beyond the current
physical reality. This structure also implies the existence of a Supreme Being
or conscious universe that creates and sustains all reality.