This blog is a break from my
usual topics of space, time, gravity and other more material discussions but is
one I felt needed to be presented at this time. It is an interesting concept
and one which some scientists have begun investigating as we learn more about
the structure of the universe and connections at the quantum level. Quantum
entanglement may be more pervasive than previously imagined.
The subject that I am reviewing
at present is the principle of karma. Reading the news on any day of the week
we see countless acts of cruelty and evil, many being perpetrated in the name
of G0d. There are millions who are deliberately or unknowingly and unsparingly
creating the worst type of karma for the entire planet.
Karma is the law of moral causation, it is a fundamental doctrine in Buddhism or as stated in Biblical terms, “As ye sew so shall ye
reap”. The most prominent example of the principle given in scripture is the
story of Jacob’s son Joseph. Joseph was one of Jacob’s youngest but he had
prophetic dreams that he would rise to great power and his brothers would bow
down before him.
This was not a popular thought
for the brothers and so they plotted to kill him, the eldest of the brothers
was against this and so when the chance came to sell him as a slave they
elected to take this alternative course of action.
Joseph was sold as a slave in Egypt but
eventually his prophetic ability saw him rise to a position of power, becoming
Pharaoh’s second in command. When drought hit the region Joseph’s brothers had
to go to Egypt to buy grain but failed to recognise Pharaoh’s official as their
younger brother and did in fact bow down to him just as Joseph had predicted.
When Joseph eventually revealed
his identity the family moved to Egypt where their karma would be
completed. A new pharaoh came to power and enslaved all the descendents of Israel and so
the karma for selling one brother into slavery was the enslavement of all the
The tribe was eventually redeemed
from slavery under the leadership of Moses but involved demonstrating a
willingness to follow the commandments of the Almighty. Israel is often
referred to as G0d’s chosen people, this simply means chosen to receive G0d’s
word and bring it to the rest of the world. The choosing however was a two way street
the Hebrews had to choose to obey and signify this by placing lamb’s blood on
the door, the Almighty knows who lives where and doesn’t need a mark on a door
to find Hebrews but needed to know who was willing to choose to follow his
ways; implying an element of cause and effect a karmic principle missing from
replacement theologies.
Our arrogant belief that we know
everything and are the smartest beings in existence leads us to disregard
ancient concepts such as karma, possibly to our own detriment. Many old principles are regarded as outdated
and people see no reason to ensure that they are honest, trustworthy or kind; a
type of fatalistic and hopeless attitude pervades society along with an
attitude of “whatever”. This self destructive attitude is not conducive to a
sound society or a civilisation that can survive; nor can a society which
exists based on the hatred of others fulfill the necessary requirements for a
continued existence. It would appear that there is a very real possibility that
without a substantial change in the attitude of all people the human race is
destined to follow the dinosaurs into the annals of history.
Unless of course Biblical
prophecy is correct and one third will be spared by the mercy of the Almighty. Scripture
quotes the Almighty as saying, “I will sweep you away from the face of the
Earth, two thirds shall be destroyed but one third shall be preserved; but that
third I will bring though the fire and refine like fine gold.” It is strange
that the Bible predicts that percentage because a survey conducted across
several different countries found that only one third of the population are
religious and pray every day, quite a coincidence. The one third that are
predicted to be spared are those who are willing to lead a life based on
righteousness, justice, kindness and mercy.