
Showing posts from 2015

People of the Book

I have previously criticised Islam and even suggested that Muhammad fulfils the descriptions of the Anti-Christ. It might appear from this that I am opposed to Muslims, which is not the case; Muslims are among the most observant and pious of people. I oppose the violent concepts of Islam as taught by the Quran and practiced by its zealots but not against people; many of whom observe the commandments handed down to Moses, which are the same commandments that Jesus exhorted his followers to obey, and have been taught by Jewish prophets and sages for more than three thousand years. We often hear that Islam is a religion of peace (usually when some Muslim group have slaughtered innocents) but it is not a religion of peace; it is a religion of Jihad (Holy War) and conquest whose aim is to impose sharia law over the whole world. There are those in all faiths that have false views of the followers of other religions and have a tendency to group all members of that religion into an image...

The Antichrist

Antichrist is a Christian term based on interpretation of passages in the New Testament, in which the term "anti-Christ" occurs several times in 1 John and 2 John, both in plural form and in the singular. In some versions of Christian eschatology, Jesus will appear in his Second Coming to Earth to face the emergence of the Antichrist figure, who will be the greatest false messiah in Christian history. Just as Christ is the saviour and the ideal model for humanity, his opponent in the end time will be a figure of concentrated evil. However as the Bible also speaks of the anti-Christ in the plural it may well be that the anti-Christ is not just a single figure but an opposing ideology. In 1 John 2:18 it says “…even now are there many anti-Christs’…” and in 1 John 2:22 “…he is anti-Christ that denies the Father and the Son.” These comments indicate that atheists are considered anti-Ch...

The Real Theory of Everything

One of the major puzzles facing scientists today is the inability to reconcile relativity and quantum theory, to establish a “Theory of Everything” which will explain the discrepancies between the two concepts. The basis of the problem is that we are trying to create a theory of everything while refusing to examine everything and ignoring many aspects of the universe. Most scientists are afraid to examine psychic phenomena or religious teachings although some groups investigate these things with an open mind they are careful not to make claims that others might deride. Academics are regimented and taught what the current scientific paradigm is and in order to maintain their positions and income must not vary from the established view. It is this pressure to conform that restricts research that might otherwise solve many problems. As someone who experiences precognitive events, including dreams and visions of future events, I knew that our understanding of the universe (and time i...

The End of Days

A Jewish commentary describing the End of Days, the Sefer Eliyahu, first published in Salonika in 1743 , describes how the Arab nations will attempt to convert the Jewish nation to Islam and rewrite Temple Mount history: “ Israel will say to the king of the Arabs, ‘Take silver and gold and leave the Temple .’ The king of the Arabs will say, ‘You have nothing to do with this Temple . …At that time, the Arabs will say to Israel , ‘Come and believe in our faith,’ but Israel will answer, ‘We will kill or be killed, but we will not deny our belief!’ At that time, swords will be drawn, bows will be strung and arrows will be sent, and many will fall.” (Pirkei Mashiach, p. 236) The Sefer Eliyahu describes a war of faith and religion, of the type being fought today. Sacrifices, or the modern equivalent, prayer, is at the center of the conflict, as the ancient book predicts. Today Jews or Christians praying on the Temple Mount is considered an act of aggression in the internatio...


This blog is a break from my usual topics of space, time, gravity and other more material discussions but is one I felt needed to be presented at this time. It is an interesting concept and one which some scientists have begun investigating as we learn more about the structure of the universe and connections at the quantum level. Quantum entanglement may be more pervasive than previously imagined. The subject that I am reviewing at present is the principle of karma. Reading the news on any day of the week we see countless acts of cruelty and evil, many being perpetrated in the name of G0d. There are millions who are deliberately or unknowingly and unsparingly creating the worst type of karma for the entire planet. Karma is the law of moral causation, it is a fundamental doctrine in Buddhism or as stated in Biblical terms, “As ye sew so shall ye reap”. The most prominent example of the principle given in scripture is the story of Jacob’s son Joseph. Joseph was one of Jacob’s yo...