The Lie of Islamophobia

In a previous blog I wrote of how the homosexual lobby has used emotive and distorted language to silence critics. We now see that Muslims are emulating homosexuals in their tactics and use of language. Anyone who speaks out against Islam is denounced as “Islamophobic” implying that they have an unnatural fear of Islam.

It is not fear of Islam from which most people suffer but annoyance that Muslims come to western countries as “refugees” but bring with them all the problems from which they claim to be escaping. They do not come as immigrants but as colonists who set up their own societies under sharia law and try to impose that on the society they have infiltrated. In my blog titled “The Evil of Islam” I listed not only many of the terrorist acts committed by Islamists but also some of the parts of the Quran that instruct them to carry out these acts.

Just as homosexuals try to portray their lifestyle as a happy, healthy and natural alternative so to Muslims try to convey that we are wrong to consider their actions immoral or wrong. We are continually told that Islam is a “religion of peace” but this is a lie aimed at making their barbaric activities more excusable by claiming that it is only a small minority who indulge in this type of behaviour. We are told that 95% of Muslims are kind peace loving members of society. That statement is a little like saying it is Ok to eat rat bait because it is 95% good wholesome food.

Do not be fooled; Muslims claim to worship the same G0d as do Christians and Jews but this claim is not supported by scriptures. The Quran is based on a “Battle for Allah” it exhorts adherents “do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends ; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them. The Quran instructs Muslims not to befriend westerners but to battle them, ("O Prophet! Urge the believers to war; - Quran 8:65) how different from the Judeo-Christian Bible (Torah) that teaches peace, kindness, justice, mercy and righteousness.

While the Bible urges consideration and acceptance for all people as creations of the Almighty the Quran teaches that only Muslims are worthy and others are all worthless. This of course leads to the attitude among many Muslims where Jews in particular are portrayed as “the offspring of monkeys and pigs”. While the Bible abhors “the spilling of innocent blood” the Quran encourages it. Persecution by Muslims spans different ethnicities, languages, and locales, even in the West, wherever there are Muslims; it is clear that one thing alone binds them: Islam, whether the strict application of Sharia, or simply the supremacist culture born of it.

The lies of Islam also lead to extreme reaction to any scrutiny or questioning of its tenets and to the beheading of those who see merit in converting to another religion. It is imperative for a false ideology to ensure that its adherents do not witness the moral compass that guides other societies. To this end the lie of Islamophobia endeavours to ensure that there is no real exchange of ideas between Muslims and other religions and prevents the sort of analysis that this article is attempting to begin. The teachings of Islam are so different from the G0d of the Bible that it can only be that the teachings of Allah are deceiving followers into actions that can only end in confrontation. The ancient name meaning “deceiver” is Satan; it appears that Salman Rushdie was correct in referring to the Quran as “Satanic Verses”.

If there is something that the west avoids it is battle, while the Islamists and their teachings embrace it willingly. Western society suffers from a Hollywood good guy syndrome, the “good guy” will not throw the first punch or be the first to go for his gun, but when it is obvious that there is no alternative he retaliates with force. For example; in WW2 America remained neutral right up until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour; more recently the west ignored countless hijackings, attacks against embassies, military bases and innocent civilians, until 9/11 and the massacre of thousands of innocents. Even today Israel, the victim of countless terrorist attacks, ignores a daily rain of rockets and mortars and only rarely responds as the Islamists cowardly scurry to hide behind innocent civilians.

This continuous provocation will continue until an attack that is so devastating that it shakes the west to the very core. The Muslims continue to demand more from the west and as long as concessions are made the demands continue and escalate. Now using the United Nations as a tool the Muslim nations are pressing to recognise Palestine as a nation. Despite this being a breach of Article XXXI (7) of the Oslo Accords: “Neither side shall initiate or take any step that will change the status of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip pending the outcome of the permanent status negotiations.” The land claimed for this new state includes much of Israel. Text books and maps of the Palestinians show Palestine as occupying all of Israel and indicating that Israel does not exist and never did, because their stated aim is the elimination of Israel and the annihilation of all Jews. This is also the stated aim of the Iranian government and much of the Muslim world.

The current claim is for land “back to the 1967 borders”, why that date and not the 1948 borders? Because in 1948 Judea and Samaria were part of Israel until invaded by Jordan and renamed “the West Bank”; because Jordan’s territory (also formerly part of Israel, until 1922) ended at the East Bank of the Jordan River. Prior to being given to the Arabs the area had been known as Trans-Jordan, that is; part of Israel across the Jordan River. Following the partition by the United Nations Israel declared independence in 1948 and was promptly attacked by her Arab neighbours, with Jordan invading and occupying Judea and Samaria until 1967, when Israel reclaimed it. After having occupied the land for only 19 years the Muslims want it back, why? Because the Quran says they should not concede land to non-Muslims. This instruction also leads to the death of innocent Muslims who sell their land to non-Muslims.

The behaviour of Muslims and the requirement of Islam can only result in one of two outcomes; either they will be victorious and we all succumb to sharia law, or the west will resist. When the final battle begins many countries will need to decide which side they support; the Muslims and their plan for a world caliphate under sharia law or a world free of persecution and hatred. No doubt the main battleground will be Israel and probably the Biblical prediction that it will be the area known as Armageddon will be accurate as invaders from Syria and Iran will choose this as their route to “wipe Israel from the face of the Earth” as is their oft stated aim.

All those peace loving people who have absorbed and ignored the terror and slander of Muslim bigotry will find no choice but to respond. The years of conceding to Muslims in the face of pressure will be gone and the rest of the world will say enough is enough. We can only have true peace when this evil cult is banned from the Earth. Islam will be seen for the evil lie that it is. We will not bow down to be beheaded but will rise up and defend the principles of justice, mercy and righteousness whether because of belief in the Bible or whether simply because some things are right and some things are wrong but the righteous people of the world will be forced to act or die.

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