2012 – The Apocalypse - continued.

In my previous blog I explained that it is possible to see the future and that since 1989 I have been explaining why prophecy does not contradict the laws of physics. Now I would like to explain a little more about physics and the end of the world.

Physicists have recently produced a number of papers about the eventual fate of the universe. The consensus is that it will expand until not only galaxies move so far apart that they can no longer see each other but so too will stars and planets and even atomic particles, so that the universe will consist only of random particles drifting in empty space. This rather gloomy view is not predicted to occur for many billions of years but this is not what prophecy tells us nor is it what I see in our future.

The first thing we have to realise before we try to understand this is the structure of atoms and their behaviour in a gravitational field. In various publications I have written about density and gravity and how atoms behave, for instance; in the centre of a star, atoms are so compressed by gravity that their electron shells disintegrate allowing atomic nuclei to move about freely in a sort of atomic fluid. This material is called degenerate matter and the atomic nuclei collide and fuse together releasing the vast amounts of energy that keeps stars burning.

Even in our own planet the atmosphere has a density, which decreases as we move higher, aircraft need to have pressurised cabins to enable us to breath at high altitude and emergency oxygen masks are installed in case this pressure is lost. Deep-sea divers must take care to come up slowly or risk illness from the changing pressure. These principles also apply to the minerals, which make up the solid part of the Earth. The density increases with depth, so that; though the Earth’s core is hot enough to be molten the density is such that it is forced into a solid mass. The matter at the centre of the Earth has been calculated to be under pressure equal 3.7 million times that of air pressure at sea level, a measure we normally refer to as one atmosphere.

Deep within the Earth where the weight of the material above causes high pressure the atoms begin to experience compression. As the atoms are compressed, their electron shells press inward closer to the nucleus and the repulsion between the electrons of neighbouring atoms increases. Atoms are able to withstand considerable pressure, but once pressure increases sufficiently the compression becomes measurable and electrons are driven inward noticeably. The density of compressed matter increases as the atoms are pressed closer together and occupy a smaller area.

The material at the centre of the Earth is compressed to the extent that the atoms there have only about 85% of the diameter that they would have on the surface. The mass concentrated in the Earth’s core is calculated to be about 12 g/cm3, far denser than the Earth’s average density of about 5.52 g/cm3. The Earth has about 31.5% of its mass concentrated in only 16.2% of its volume in the relatively small core. In other words in the relatively small distance from the surface of the Earth to its centre (6,370 km) the Earth’s gravity can compress atoms to only 85% their surface volume, indicating that relatively small distances and gravitational variations can significantly affect atoms.

Density has a considerable impact on a gravitational field which then has a noticeable effect on atomic structure. In the early universe, which was much smaller and therefore denser, atoms would have been more compact than those we observe today and I have previously published details of the relationship between this and dark matter. In turn as the universe expands so to do the atoms that constitute all the mass of the universe, this in turn causes time to accelerate and so the expansion accelerates creating what we perceive as dark energy. Based on detailed observations of exploding stars, astrophysicists have been able to estimate that dark energy makes up about 70 % of "stuff" in the universe. The rest is made of dark matter (25 %) and regular matter that makes up stars, planets and us (5 %).

If dark energy already makes up more than two thirds of the entire universe and the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate it poses a question; will the expansion reach an “escape velocity” and disintegrate? Suppose atoms expand to the point where the forces that hold the atomic nuclei together, and the electrons in their shells, are no longer strong enough to hold the particles close together? In that case the entire universe would dissolve, the protons and electrons would merge to form neutrons and the entire cloud of neutrons would simply fly apart. This is the scenario proposed by U.S. physicists Assistant Professor Robert Caldwell and colleagues at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire in an issue of Physical Review Letters. They calculate however that this event is billions of years in the future.

In a universe where expansion is accelerating the calculation of the ability of nuclear forces to maintain the integrity of atomic structure in a stable form for billions of years is optimistic. It is more probable that the disintegration will occur sooner rather than later and this appears to be the consensus of New Testament Biblical Prophecy.

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and Earth will pass away …
Mark 13:31 Heaven and Earth will pass away …
Luke 21:33 Heaven and Earth will pass away …
II Peter 3:10 … the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also …
II Peter 3:11 Seeing that all these things shall be dissolved …
Revelation 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away …

I am still researching other prophecies to find similar threads and have found some references in Jewish prayer that say the Almighty will “renew” the world and resurrect the dead, but nothing as definitive as the New Testament quotes. While many prophecies predict wars, and natural disasters concluding during the galactic alignment of 2012 the destruction of the universe and its replacement is not extensively described. The fact is however that this is the most scientific and plausible fate that awaits the world and perhaps far sooner than physicists predict. The “end times” might bring more surprises than we anticipate, let us hope that if matter does dissolve that the other part of the predictions is also accurate and the universe will be renewed.

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