
I recently wrote that we are now in an end time period; the last seven years to be exact. Many people disregard this and deny religion, prophecy and anything else that disturbs their mundane lives and quest for material possessions, but as we approach the final forty-two months there are some undeniable predictions about to occur. The Earth will be struck by a meteor as big as a bus and an asteroid hundreds of metres across. These will cause death and destruction and trigger earthquakes, storms and volcanic eruptions. After the middle of 2011 a comet will strike the Earth but it will be broken up and arrive as large blocks of ice each containing the equivalent of twenty (or more) litres of water. The most apparent and unexplainable event will be a change in the period of rotation of the Earth, when a day will become only sixteen hours long instead of twenty-four.

The most destructive force on Earth however is still mankind. If the above predictions do not disturb you then this surely must. The world will be destroyed by the actions of its inhabitants; the seeds of our destruction are within us. One only has to keep abreast of current affairs to be painfully aware that this is becoming more obvious every day. The greed of many and of large corporations has brought about major financial upheaval and wealthy enemies are manipulating markets to their own ends. Governments in many countries are obtaining equipment to quell civil unrest and supplying it to their military forces, many readers of this will be surprised to find that their own government is involved.

Western governments have been reluctant to take action against rogue states and have apparently resigned themselves to a nuclear Iran. Syria is building rockets and chemical weapons and Iran has already put a satellite into orbit. These countries are committed to the destruction of both Israel and the USA, yet we continue to “negotiate”; surrender to their aggression is a more appropriate description. It will be a nuclear conflagration that will bring about our demise and in the near future, the truly annoying part is that we could do something to prevent it but the western democracies have chosen leaders too weak to take decisive action. We too have become complacent and it is our willingness to succumb and seek the path of least resistance that has led us elect shallow leaders who are about to destroy the Earth due to their lack of resolve.


For the full story see my website to buy the book;
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elderchild said…
Taking the bait! And The LIES are swallowed, hook, line and sinker ;-(

Someone had written: "When I talk about people buying or being sold 'absolute crap' I'm not only talking about the material but also about the ideological. We are 'sold' on consumerism, the wars (Iraq), elections (the presidency), all manner of things. Unfortunately, so few people see that just because these ideas are on sale, that they don't actually have to buy them!"

Sadly, the multitudes have bought The LIES ;-(

The multitudes have taken the bait which is "ease of life", so-called, and The LIES were swallowed(believed),

and sinker(technology) ;-(

This place they call the u.s. of a. is the "bait"master and they catch their "fish" in every nation of this world ;-( Yet in england, france, germany, japan, etc, in all nations of this wicked world, there are those who have become disciples of the "bait"master and they also have found other "waters" in which to catch their "fish" ;-(

And so it is that today there are multitudes in every nation under the sun that have taken the bait(ease of life), and swallowed(believed) the hook(money), the line(education/religion) and the sinker(technology) ;-(

Tempted, hooked, reeled in, and held captive as they but serve "time" in the prison that is this wicked world ;-(

Simply, they could not withstand the media blitz(krieg), and their "imag"ination got the best of them ;-(

Some two thousand years past The Truth bore witness to the fact that, "the WHOLE world is under the control of the evil one"! (1John5:19) Yet, the "fish" continue to seek out that "good" place in the world, when in Truth the world today is but the product of mankind's "imag"ination, a dry and thirsty land of mirages, nothing but shadows ;-(

And in this wicked world, "image"s abound and are worshipped ;-(

So why receive that which is of mankind's "imag"ination?

Even when such is supposedly "free" there will always be a price to pay, for mankind's "imag"ination is destroying the earth(land, air, water, vegetation, creatures) and perverting that which is Spirit(Light, Life, Truth, Love, Peace, Hope, Grace, Faith, etc.);-(

Consider the time when there were no radio's, no tv's, no movies, no newspapers, a time when there was no way yet "imag"ined and then manufactured, that would allow someone to publish or display the vain "imag"inations of mankind to the "masses". Sadly those who rule in this wicked world, and who control the "media", consider the "masses" to be but the M in E=MC(squared);-(

And yet today, here i am publishing(sharing) that which i believe to be from the heart, The Spirit within, not the vain "imag"inations of my fleshly mind. i can but hope that which i share is from The ONE whose voice i have heard and whose Power i have experienced in The Miracles of deliverance that set me free, free from the "I" in me!

The ONE who revealed the lies that are of this world, it's 'god', and it's systems of religion, as i received evermore "a love of The Truth". The ONE WHOM i know and believe is the Giver of Life, The Only True GOD and Father(Creator) of ALL!

Father Help! and HE does.......

In times past, when i would wonder why things were as they were, i questioned?

Do you feel as i feel?
Do you wonder just what's real?

D you see the little child?
Do you see them running wild?

i see their doubts and i see their fears,
i see their hurts and i see their tears.

Now could be that's what i look to see,
Yet what i see is real to me.

Now am i alone to care and cry?
Or must i close these eyes and surely die?

Sadly, the children, or those who once were called children, today are referred to as "kids" ;-(

Sadder yet, the reference is true ;-(

Baby goats abound because their 'parents' feed them all sorts of "trash", and so it is that as they grow, they "eat" any and all things, no matter the dis-eases(no-peace) that causes them to be pill pushers, peer pleasers, or worse yet enslaved by the media ;-(

"Where have all the children gone? long time pa-as-sing" ;-(

Progress? Yes things are getting progressively worse and worse ;-(

Yet Hope IS Alive!

For Miracles do happen!

Hope is there would be those who would take heed unto The Call of Our Father(Creator) to "Come Out of her, MY people" for they will "Come Out" of this wicked world(babylon) and it's systems of religion, and they will no longer have their portion with those who are destroying the earth(land, air, water, vegetation, creatures) and perverting that which is Spirit(Light, Life, Truth, Love, Peace, Hope, Grace, Faith, Mercy, etc.) ;-(

And for those who have embraced "mother earth" and the oneness that is the natural Creation?

Hope is they would also experience and embrace that Spiritual ONEness that is a common union with their Brother, The Messiah, and Their Father, The Only True GOD(Great Spirit), HE WHO is Creator(Father) of ALL!

Family! indeed and Truth.......

A Simple and Spiritual Life.......


Peace, in spite of the dis-ease(no-peace) that is of this wicked world and it's systems of religion, for "the WHOLE world(not just a portion) is under the control of the evil one"(1John5:19) indeed and Truth.......

Truth is never ending.......

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