
Showing posts from February, 2008

How the solar system works.

This is a little additional article and obviously not the scheduled blog for this time but is published in response to questions about why global warming seems to be more severe when the sun is at solar minimum. As stated in an earlier blog, “The solar wind is necessary and without it no life could exist on Earth. In the outer reaches of the solar system, beyond the orbit of Pluto, the particles of the solar wind become dispersed over a large area and the force of the solar wind diminishes at an area scientists know as “heliopause”. In this region of space inter-stellar cosmic radiation becomes powerful enough to wipe out life, but within the heliosphere of our neighbourhood star, the sun, the solar wind protects the planets from deadly cosmic radiation. We effectively live in a bubble within a bubble, the bubble of the magnetosphere protects us from the solar wind but the bubble of solar wind in turn protects us from dangerous cosmic radiation.” This image released by NASA shows the b...

Psychic Responsibility.

We have already examined the Earth, the Universe, how improbable life is and how precarious is our existence. We have looked at the “end of days” theories, myths and legends and ascertained that at least theoretically time might be manipulated and that prophecy is (at least theoretically) possible. Now let us consider the responsibility of a prophet or clairvoyant. Is it the clairvoyant’s responsibility to warn someone of danger foreseen or should the prophet simply keep quiet to avoid the ridicule which he knows he will face? If you were to see the future and tell someone what do you think would be the reaction? At least today in most parts of the world you could expect to be spared the attention of the inquisitors and not be burned at the stake, but your prognostications could still be subject to ridicule, disbelief and outright hostility particularly from those unfamiliar with modern physics. It should be logical to expect a warning just as we would warn someone about to step out in...

Debunking, getting rid of the rubbish.

This blog continues on the theme of previous blogs so if you are new to this site you may find it makes more sense to read some of the older articles first. We have already examined the Earth the Universe, how improbable life is and how precarious is our existence. We have looked at the “end of days” theories, myths and legends now is time to examine some of the other popular theories about our existence. For reasons best known to themselves some people grasp all sorts of weird ideas about the universe and our place in it. Some of these people in their search for enlightenment find their way into cults, often with disastrous consequences. So it becomes very important not be caught up in ideas but to try and keep an open mind aware that even though we might feel a deep conviction about something we may not always be right. We should not be obsessed with an idea to the exclusion of all others and any group or individual who wishes to alienate one from family and friends probably has an u...

The final days, are they real?

If you are new to this blog you may find it makes more sense to start from the beginning and read the first or oldest posts first. It would be helpful to see not only how precarious life is, why we should not even exist and the concept that the world may be “written down for destruction” before arriving at this point and what may seem to be just another “end times” rant. We have examined end times predictions and discussed myths and legends that talk about the world being remade every seven thousand years the first question is obviously is there any evidence to support these claims? The truth is that there is no definitive evidence that anything at all has happened in the course of history to create these myths and legends. There is archaeological evidence that supports part of the Biblical narrative but nothing to confirm miraculous events. Biblical stories of faith, such as Noah, the destruction of Sodom, Moses and the exodus from Egypt are purely matters of belief. Other stories suc...

Prophecy and Predictions, are we in the final days?

Many people are coming to believe that we are now in the “end times” and that our world will soon come to an end. Legends and myths from all parts of the world predict cataclysmic destruction and an end of the world and this belief is also found in religious texts such as the Bible. To read more about these myths you can obtain a free book titled “The End Of Time” from my website . Sceptics would have us believe that it is only ancient superstition, but there are grounds to consider that not only is it possible that the world could end but also that the time is close. Part of the belief in the end of the world is due to prophecies that appear to have been accurate. Science debunks the possibility of prophecy or predictions of the future but scientists do not have a particularly good record when it comes to things for which they have no explanation. Science once told us that the Earth was flat, it was the centre of the universe and the universe was permanent it never had a beginning and...

Creation and Evolution

Continuing on from the concepts of how improbable it is firstly that the universe exists and how even more amazing that life survives, I now want to explore the possibility of why. Is there a reason for us to exist? Many people think that there is a controversy over the Biblical version of creation and the scientific community’s evidence of evolution. The dispute seems to originate among fundamentalist Christians and atheists, the Christian groups follow the Bible as the literal word of the Creator and the atheists believe that all existence is the result of accidental physical and chemical reactions. Our present view of the universe, the one based on a universe created by a “Big Bang”, is only about fifty years old. In 1959 a survey of leading United States scientists included a question asking them to estimate the age of the universe. Two thirds of the scientists who replied said, “There is no age – the universe is eternal”. Even Albert Einstein, whose own theories indicated that the...


In my previous blog I explained just how precarious life is; now I would like to show just how amazing it is that the universe even exists, let alone that it supports life. According to growing numbers of scientists, the laws and constants of nature are so finely tuned, and so many coincidences have occurred to allow for the possibility of life, that the universe must have come into existence through intentional planning and intelligence. In "The Anthropic Principle," (a documentary film) scientists contended that it appears the universe was brought into existence intentionally for the sake of producing sentient life. Even those who do not accept the Anthropic Principle admit to the fine-tuning and conclude that the universe is too contrived to be a chance event. Discussions have even extended to whether the universe is subjective or objective, in other words can it exist on its own or does it only exist because we believe it exists? Albert Einstein wrote in his book "Th...