How the solar system works.

This is a little additional article and obviously not the scheduled blog for this time but is published in response to questions about why global warming seems to be more severe when the sun is at solar minimum. As stated in an earlier blog, “The solar wind is necessary and without it no life could exist on Earth. In the outer reaches of the solar system, beyond the orbit of Pluto, the particles of the solar wind become dispersed over a large area and the force of the solar wind diminishes at an area scientists know as “heliopause”. In this region of space inter-stellar cosmic radiation becomes powerful enough to wipe out life, but within the heliosphere of our neighbourhood star, the sun, the solar wind protects the planets from deadly cosmic radiation. We effectively live in a bubble within a bubble, the bubble of the magnetosphere protects us from the solar wind but the bubble of solar wind in turn protects us from dangerous cosmic radiation.” This image released by NASA shows the b...