
Showing posts from 2018

Prophecy in the Psalms.

It was brought to my attention by a comment posted on a web-forum that there appears to be prophetic themes in the Psalms. This is something that I had not considered as the Psalms are songs written primarily by the Kings David and Solomon. The originator of the theory based his premise on the fact that Psalms is the nineteenth book of the Bible and the forty-eighth from the end of the Bible and Gospel, and the state of Israel was recognised by the United Nations in 1948. I considered this a bit of a stretch because when the Psalms were written there was only the Old Testament so they were not the forty-eighth from the end of the Bible and secondly the years on the Hebrew calendar do not coincide with the dates on the commonly used calendar. That being said I know that scribes were taught to be very careful and accurately transcribe Biblical passages because as the living word of G-d it is believed that to change a single letter may change the fate of the world. So with a differ...

Our Collapsing Society

There are two forces battling in our society, one force builds develops and endeavours to leave the world in a better condition than before, more productive, more affluent and more peaceful. The other force is selfish and violent it vandalises, spreads graffiti, riots and whines when its demands are not met, aggressively attacking those who will not comply with its aims of building a global controlling empire eliminating personal liberty and suppressing religion. Most people cannot understand how the world has come to this, but Biblical scholars are aware that this has been predicted in scripture. The most obvious undeniable reference to this state of the world is apparent in the book of Daniel, when Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The dream describes a statue in which each of the succeeding empires that follow that time is recognisable as a portion of the statue, to anyone who has studied history. The final empire is described as one partly of iron and partly of miry ...

The end of the world as we know it

In a recent Australian census it was noticed that the fastest growing religion is “no religion” but this does not mean the population have suddenly all become avowed atheists. A survey by the Pew Report in the USA found that while many no longer maintain a connection with traditional religion they still hold a belief in a Creator or Supreme Being. In many places in the west Evangelical Christianity is growing while the old established religions are failing. In China Christianity is the fastest growing religion, to the extent that in a few years China will become the world’s largest Christian nation. Despite the push against religion by globalists, leftists, atheists and those who maintain that science precludes religion Christianity continues to survive and even grow. What can it be that makes rational people follow these ancient teachings and place such significance in them?   To answer this we should look at the difference between the failing denominations and the growing ...

Changing paradigms

When I began school we were still being taught that the universe was infinite and static, a view that had persisted since the days of Aristotle, but today we know that concept was wrong and that the real structure is more like the Biblical view; the universe had a beginning. There is a reluctance to embrace the Biblical view because that says not only was there a beginning there will be an end. Science continually changes and modifies its paradigm as new discoveries are made, once even the concept of meteors was considered ludicrous, the French Academy of Science having ruled that, “rocks do not fall from the sky”. Today some scientists are investigating the possibility of psychic phenomena while others still claim it is impossible, despite advances made in quantum physics and what Einstein called, “Spooky at a distance action” there is a reluctance to accept what could imply a spiritual influence. In 1989 my book “ The Time Illusion ” was published presenting a view that was di...

Books published

Having reviewed my website and found that it is no longer performing as it once did I have decided to close it down and seek a different avenue to inform possible customers.  Being a site that delved into many subjects search engines found it difficult to classify my varied interests and as is the case today if in doubt they ignore you or question your content. Anything that might be politically conservative or support religion is immediately suspect. I have instead decided to present links to my various books through my blog and also the Prophecyline forum . With that aim in mind the following is a summary of published works to date. The Time Illusion   First published in 1989 this book was inspired by my knowledge that our understanding of the nature of time was wrong. The prevailing view was that time was a one way flow but I proposed a time dimension that included past, present and future. The only way that this structure can exist is for each second to v...