
Showing posts from October, 2015

The Real Theory of Everything

One of the major puzzles facing scientists today is the inability to reconcile relativity and quantum theory, to establish a “Theory of Everything” which will explain the discrepancies between the two concepts. The basis of the problem is that we are trying to create a theory of everything while refusing to examine everything and ignoring many aspects of the universe. Most scientists are afraid to examine psychic phenomena or religious teachings although some groups investigate these things with an open mind they are careful not to make claims that others might deride. Academics are regimented and taught what the current scientific paradigm is and in order to maintain their positions and income must not vary from the established view. It is this pressure to conform that restricts research that might otherwise solve many problems. As someone who experiences precognitive events, including dreams and visions of future events, I knew that our understanding of the universe (and time i...

The End of Days

A Jewish commentary describing the End of Days, the Sefer Eliyahu, first published in Salonika in 1743 , describes how the Arab nations will attempt to convert the Jewish nation to Islam and rewrite Temple Mount history: “ Israel will say to the king of the Arabs, ‘Take silver and gold and leave the Temple .’ The king of the Arabs will say, ‘You have nothing to do with this Temple . …At that time, the Arabs will say to Israel , ‘Come and believe in our faith,’ but Israel will answer, ‘We will kill or be killed, but we will not deny our belief!’ At that time, swords will be drawn, bows will be strung and arrows will be sent, and many will fall.” (Pirkei Mashiach, p. 236) The Sefer Eliyahu describes a war of faith and religion, of the type being fought today. Sacrifices, or the modern equivalent, prayer, is at the center of the conflict, as the ancient book predicts. Today Jews or Christians praying on the Temple Mount is considered an act of aggression in the internatio...