
Showing posts from January, 2019


The internet and certain publications are rife with predictions and dire warnings; blood moons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wars and civil unrest are all seen as portents of doom. There can be no doubt that strange things are happening and that we are in the “end times” according to Biblical prophecy but there are a number of things that must happen before the Apocalypse (a Greek word that simply means Revelation). In Jewish theology it is the “final redemption” where the Almighty will judge all men. Judgement will not depend on your ancestry, your religion or any other criteria but primarily on the way in which you have treated your fellow man. Teachings in some families and cultures have better prepared some people to survive others simply deny the possibility and continue until it is too late, as the Bible warns, “As in the days of Noah.” They will continue until catastrophe overtakes them. I have made a study of prophecy and have no doubt of its veracity and ability to ...