
Showing posts from 2016

Time Travel Is Possible

In previous blogs I have covered many subjects including science, religion, history and my books have covered even more topics. In this treatise I hope to explain briefly in plain language the structure I have described in my books and papers on the nature of time and the structure of the universe that allows for time travel and prophecy; it includes a time dimension that includes past present and future, Recent discoveries that cast doubt on the existence of dark matter and dark energy support the concept I first published in 1989. The reason the change in the scientific paradigm supports my theory is that if these two forces, which make up most of the universe, don’t exist then there must be another explanation. My explanation is that time accelerates; each moment in time is fractionally smaller than the moment that preceded it. Why should time accelerate? We have managed to find evidence that the universe did have a beginning and that it has expanded continually since the f...

The changing view of science

When I began school we were still being taught that the universe was infinite and static, a view that had persisted since the days of Aristotle, but today we know that concept was wrong and that the real structure is more like the Biblical view; the universe had a beginning. Science continually changes and modifies its paradigm as new discoveries are made, once even the concept of meteors was considered ludicrous, the French Academy of Science having ruled that, “rocks do not fall from the sky”. Today some scientists are investigating the possibility of psychic phenomena while others still claim it is impossible, despite advances made in quantum physics and what Einstein called, “Spooky at a distance action” there is a reluctance to accept what could imply a spiritual influence. In 1989 my book “The Time Illusion” was published presenting a view that was different to the mainstream view of “arrows of time” and a one way flow of time. Having experienced precognitive and premonitor...

Conspiracy Theory Mayhem

The internet is currently being bombarded with an amazing range of conspiracy blogs, videos and forums. Many of them are incredibly fanciful and show no understanding whatsoever of the basic laws of physics or even common sense. Many of the current memes involve the end of days, planet X or Nabiru (an asteroid expected to hit Earth) and theories claiming that either the Earth or the moon are hollow. There are also predictions claiming that the Earth will stop rotating or reverse direction and countless other events that are physical impossibilities. I must start by addressing the hollow Earth or Moon claims; since the days of Newton we have known the mathematical formula for calculating a gravitational field. The strength of the field depends on the masses of the objects and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. This means that by measuring the distance between objects and timing their orbits we can be very certain of their mass, a hollow Earth would not ha...

What is happening to the world?

The world today is far different from the world of sixty years ago, what has changed so much? In the 1950’s and 60’s places like Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan were modern thriving nations with a mix of Christian and Muslim citizens working together and living side by side. The 1947 UN partition and 1948 formation of Israel as a Jewish state had seen Jews expelled from all Muslim majority lands and the invasion of the fledgling state of Israel by Jordan who promptly renamed Judea and Samaria the “West Bank”. It is not just this conflict that has seen global culture change but the growth of apostasy, or a turning away from the Biblical tenets that had made peaceful and civilised nations in every corner of the world. There are six hundred and thirteen commandments in the five books of law as given to Moses, three hundred and sixty-five say thou shall not and two hundred and forty eight say thou shall. Ten of these commandments were spoken directly by the Almighty, the f...

Strange things are happening

Even the most ill-informed people are beginning to realise that strange things are happening in the world today. Unusual levels of civil unrest and conflict, earthquakes, volcanoes, extreme weather as well as wars and rumours of wars. There also seems to be a large shift in morality with declining standards in many countries. Even stranger is the fact that thousands of years ago these things were predicted by Biblical prophets. People with little or no knowledge of religion are starting to wonder what is happening and whether the religious claims might be correct and if so which religions. We tend to judge religions by the most vociferous and obnoxious adherents to each faith. Noisy chanting Muslims calling for the death of infidels and the conquest of western society, wanting to turn the west into violent dysfunctional nations like those from which they escaped; militant atheists opposing, verbalising and attacking any who disagree with their particular view and many people who ...

Where is Elijah?

Interest has recently been aroused in prophecy by conjecture that we are in the final days of our civilisation; much has been made of blood moon tetrads and eclipses but although these events occurring on religious festivals are rare they are not provably significant. The occurrence of natural phenomena on specific dates can arguably be ascribed to coincidence. Biblical prophecies predict several far more obvious and unlikely events that if they occur will make an unmistakable impact. The first is that two large meteors or asteroids will impact the Earth one as large as a “mill wheel” probably about 3-5 metres across and the other “as large as a mountain” which means at least 300 metres in height. We know today that these events do occur periodically so we cannot be certain any collisions are the ones predicted, but in Revelation 8:8 it describes a great mountain cast into the sea. In the book of Daniel the final “empire” is described as being fractured by a great rock from heaven. ...