
Showing posts from 2011

The Lie of Islamophobia

In a previous blog I wrote of how the homosexual lobby has used emotive and distorted language to silence critics. We now see that Muslims are emulating homosexuals in their tactics and use of language. Anyone who speaks out against Islam is denounced as “Islamophobic” implying that they have an unnatural fear of Islam. It is not fear of Islam from which most people suffer but annoyance that Muslims come to western countries as “refugees” but bring with them all the problems from which they claim to be escaping. They do not come as immigrants but as colonists who set up their own societies under sharia law and try to impose that on the society they have infiltrated. In my blog titled “The Evil of Islam” I listed not only many of the terrorist acts committed by Islamists but also some of the parts of the Quran that instruct them to carry out these acts. Just as homosexuals try to portray their lifestyle as a happy, healthy and natural alternative so to Muslims try to convey that we are ...

Holographic Time

This blog is probably not of interest to everyone, but is a paper that I wrote some time ago and which needs to be published for the few that will find the work informative. The major problem facing an understanding of the true nature of time is simply our inability to envisage or explain in plain language that which we can easily model mathematically. From Mohrhoff U. arXiv:quant-ph/0703035v1 (footnotes 8-11) “The flaw in this concept is that if we imagine a spatiotemporal whole as a simultaneous spatial whole, then we cannot imagine this simultaneous spatial whole as persisting and the present as advancing through it. There is only one time, the fourth dimension of the spatiotemporal whole. There is not another time in which this spatiotemporal whole persists as a spatial whole, and in which the present advances. If the experiential now is anywhere in the spatiotemporal whole, it is trivially and vacuously everywhere—or, rather, everywhen. The flaw in this conception is that simulta...

Homophobia is a Fallacy

Homosexuals refer to those who disprove of their actions as “homophobic” but this is a misnomer. The term phobic comes from the Greek phobos meaning fear and a phobia is a fear. People labelled homophobic are usually just those who find the practice distasteful, repugnant and immoral and who really have no fear at all of homosexuals. Many of those against homosexuality are religious in their beliefs and base their abhorrence on the Biblical condemnation of deviant sexual behaviour. Just as the scriptures forbid incest and bestiality they oppose unnatural homosexuality. There are six hundred and thirteen instructions in the Bible about half are the things we should do and the other half are the things we should not do, homosexual acts are among the activities that are banned. Our society consists of people who hold to a variety of views but those who have a religious view are generally derided by those who do not. It is illegal to denigrate homosexuality and lampooning Islam can get you...


Biodiversity is the variety of all life forms on earth – the different plants, animals and micro-organisms and the ecosystems of which they are a part. Australia is one country currently developing both a biodiversity policy and a seedbank. A seedbank stores seeds as a source for planting in case seed reserves elsewhere are destroyed. It is a type of gene bank . The seeds stored may be food crops , or those of rare species to protect biodiversity . The reasons for storing seeds may be varied. In the case of food crops, many useful plants that were developed over centuries are now no longer used for commercial agricultural production and are becoming rare. Storing seeds also guards against catastrophic events like natural disasters , outbreaks of disease, or war . Economic diversity means maintaining a variety of business skills to guard against catastrophic events like natural disasters , outbreaks of disease, or war . Manufacture of essential products can then be sustained even if an...

Warming to the debate

The Australian Federal Government and their employed climate scientists are assuring us that the global warming debate is over and sceptics are no longer sceptics but deniers. In response to this I quote well known author Dean Koontz who wrote, “When a scientist tells you the science is settled in regard to any subject he’s ceased to be a scientist and he’s become an evangelist for one cult or another. The entire history of science is that nothing is ever settled. New discoveries are continuously made and they upend old certainties.” On Dec. 13, 2007, 100 scientists jointly signed an open letter to Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, requesting they cease the man-made global warming hysteria and settle down to helping mankind better prepare for natural disasters. The final signature was from the President of the World Federation of Scientists. The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the most authoritative assessment of global scientific opinion,...

Global Warming

2010 warmest year on record LAST year tied with 2005 as the warmest year on record for global surface temperature, US government scientists said yesterday. The Earth experienced temperatures higher than the 20th-century average for the 34th year in a row, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Washington said. Overall, 2010 and 2005 were 0.62C degrees above the 20th-century average, it said. Those two years were also the highest in temperature since record-keeping began in 1880. "If the warming trend continues, as is expected, if greenhouse gases continue to increase, the 2010 record will not stand for long," said James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies. ______________________________________________________________ Early in 2011 newspapers issued this report, but this was nothing new they had been proclaiming this since reports issued in May and July and then in November this gem, “World temperatures in 2010 may be the warmest...