
Showing posts from December, 2018

Prophecy in the Psalms.

It was brought to my attention by a comment posted on a web-forum that there appears to be prophetic themes in the Psalms. This is something that I had not considered as the Psalms are songs written primarily by the Kings David and Solomon. The originator of the theory based his premise on the fact that Psalms is the nineteenth book of the Bible and the forty-eighth from the end of the Bible and Gospel, and the state of Israel was recognised by the United Nations in 1948. I considered this a bit of a stretch because when the Psalms were written there was only the Old Testament so they were not the forty-eighth from the end of the Bible and secondly the years on the Hebrew calendar do not coincide with the dates on the commonly used calendar. That being said I know that scribes were taught to be very careful and accurately transcribe Biblical passages because as the living word of G-d it is believed that to change a single letter may change the fate of the world. So with a differ...