Our Collapsing Society
There are two forces battling in our society, one force builds develops and endeavours to leave the world in a better condition than before, more productive, more affluent and more peaceful. The other force is selfish and violent it vandalises, spreads graffiti, riots and whines when its demands are not met, aggressively attacking those who will not comply with its aims of building a global controlling empire eliminating personal liberty and suppressing religion. Most people cannot understand how the world has come to this, but Biblical scholars are aware that this has been predicted in scripture. The most obvious undeniable reference to this state of the world is apparent in the book of Daniel, when Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The dream describes a statue in which each of the succeeding empires that follow that time is recognisable as a portion of the statue, to anyone who has studied history. The final empire is described as one partly of iron and partly of miry ...