
Showing posts from August, 2016

Strange things are happening

Even the most ill-informed people are beginning to realise that strange things are happening in the world today. Unusual levels of civil unrest and conflict, earthquakes, volcanoes, extreme weather as well as wars and rumours of wars. There also seems to be a large shift in morality with declining standards in many countries. Even stranger is the fact that thousands of years ago these things were predicted by Biblical prophets. People with little or no knowledge of religion are starting to wonder what is happening and whether the religious claims might be correct and if so which religions. We tend to judge religions by the most vociferous and obnoxious adherents to each faith. Noisy chanting Muslims calling for the death of infidels and the conquest of western society, wanting to turn the west into violent dysfunctional nations like those from which they escaped; militant atheists opposing, verbalising and attacking any who disagree with their particular view and many people who ...