
Showing posts from December, 2015

People of the Book

I have previously criticised Islam and even suggested that Muhammad fulfils the descriptions of the Anti-Christ. It might appear from this that I am opposed to Muslims, which is not the case; Muslims are among the most observant and pious of people. I oppose the violent concepts of Islam as taught by the Quran and practiced by its zealots but not against people; many of whom observe the commandments handed down to Moses, which are the same commandments that Jesus exhorted his followers to obey, and have been taught by Jewish prophets and sages for more than three thousand years. We often hear that Islam is a religion of peace (usually when some Muslim group have slaughtered innocents) but it is not a religion of peace; it is a religion of Jihad (Holy War) and conquest whose aim is to impose sharia law over the whole world. There are those in all faiths that have false views of the followers of other religions and have a tendency to group all members of that religion into an image...