
Showing posts from August, 2014

Quantum Entanglement in the bio-mass

Quantum entanglement was called by Einstein, “Spooky at a distance connection” and is a phenomenon by which two or more objects share an unseen link, bridging the space between them, the phenomenon was first described in particle physics where matched pairs were found to react simultaneously even when separated by large distances. Similar linking has been found in polarised light waves and some chemical experiments where atoms appear to retain memory of previous states. Examples of some simple quantum experiments are listed in Gary Zukav’s book “The Dancing Wu Li Masters”. A group of researchers reported in the December 2 nd 2011 issue of   Science   that they managed to   entangle the quantum states of two diamonds   separated by 15 centimetres. Entanglement experiments on physical systems usually take place in highly controlled laboratory setups—entangling, say, a pair of isolated atoms cooled to nearly absolute zero. In the new study, researchers from the U...