Dark Matter

In books blogs and video clips I have discussed how in a universe where all time exists at once dark matter and dark energy are a natural outcome of the structure. My 1989 book (now out on Kindle) first proposed the structure of the universe in which all time can occur in a single instant. In 2006 an updated version of the theory explained how this concept explains both dark matter and dark energy. Several others have published ideas that follow my own reasoning; John Moffat, an astronomer at the University of Waterloo in Canada, and Joel Brownstein, his graduate student, said in a study detailed in the Nov. 21 2007 issue of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, that Modified Gravity (MOG) theory can explain the appearance of dark matter. Dodelson (Scott) and Liguori (Michele) in “Can Cosmic Structure Form without Dark Matter?”, Physical Review Letters 97, 231301 (2006) also conjectured that gravity variations can account for observed phenomena and tha...