A recent European survey found that more than half the respondents expect the world to end in 2012. Why would so many people believe this scenario? Recent doomsday books and television programs have presented many prophecies and predictions that foretell this event and many either state or imply that the date will be 2012. One of the first such predictions popularised concerned Mayan Calendars that record astronomical data from the time of the Mayans until the end of the world, the sequence of events is predicted to end in 2012. Likewise predictions by Nostradamus also claim that when the axes of the Earth, the Solar System and the Universe all align in December 2012 it will mark the end of the world as we know it. Nostradamus also calls this “the year of the great seventh number” indicating that he believed in the ancient astronomical belief that the Creator remakes the world every 7,000 years. He also claims that “in the year 999 from the sky will come the great king of terror”. Many...