Dark Matter and Dark Energy prove time theory.

What is the universe made up of? Is it made of stars and galaxies, hydrogen gas or planets like ours? The truth is that scientists just do not know what makes up over seventy-five percent of our universe. Most of our understanding of the universe revolves around what we call the Standard Model. This is a theory that explains atomic particles, the structure of atoms and the ways they react and it explains these very well; but there are a number of anomalies that science cannot explain particularly when it comes to the large scale structure of the universe. Cosmologists today generally agree on a structure known as the Concordance Model and even though this and the Standard model predict the outcome of experiments and describe things before we even discover them there are still a number of observations that we just cannot explain. The most perplexing of these problems are the horizon problem, dark matter, dark energy, and the Pioneer Anomaly. The horizon problem is our first puzzle, it ...