
Showing posts from April, 2008

Prophetic Subtlety.

A major purpose of the Prophecyline Website is to establish the true nature of time partly by demonstrating that predicting the future is possible. It is only possible for this to occur if the universe exists in a unitary entity of spacetime as described by Einstein and Minkowski (also known as a block universe). In reading what many others have had to say about predictions it is amazing how many different interpretations there are of each prediction. No doubt the large number of fanciful notions and concepts that have been promoted has done more to turn people away from examining the possibilities than even the most avid atheist or any scientific hypothesis. Atheists have long promoted Darwin’s theory as proof that there is no Creator and that the Bible is little more than a collection of myths and legends. In modern Western Society it is probable that a majority of people hold this view, and consider the Bible as simply an ancient moral story rather than the actual word of a living h...

Palestine & Biblical Prophecy

There has been dispute over the Jewish homeland since Joseph brought his Father Jacob and his brothers with their families to Egypt. When the tribes had lived in Egypt for nearly three centuries and been enslaved Moses came on the scene to bring them back to the land that had been promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In order to claim the land back they had to evict the peoples who had occupied it during their time in Egypt. Eventually the descendants of Abraham were able to restore the land and take up residence and the nation of Israel began। It consisted of separate states for each tribe and eventually the people united under one king and when David became king he claimed Jerusalem as the capital city. The nation of Israel was a major force in the ancient world until many drifted away from the strict theocratic rule becoming secular and dividing the kingdom. Without a unifying belief the land fell to invaders one after another; tribes were separated and dispersed with only the tri...

Mysteries and Forces

There are only four forces by which atomic particles react one to another, these are the strong and weak nuclear forces, which only occur inside the nucleus of atoms. Gravity and electromagnetic force both of which are long range forces whose effects can be felt or detected at a great distance, but their strength declines as distance from the source increases. The entire universe is held together by these forces which are finely tuned to ensure that it does not simply fly apart or collapse instantly before any life could evolve. The more we discover about the nature of these forces and the way in which particles exist the more physicists and cosmologists raise the question as to whether there is an overseeing force that ensures this balance is maintained so that life can exist. This theory is called the “Anthropic Principle” and it suggests that the universe itself may be cognisant, aware of its own existence. This is remarkably similar to many religious concepts of a supreme being. In...